[ملخصات] 📘 ❞ Sudan the Christian Design ❝ كتاب ــ Hassan Makki Ahmad

كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية - 📖 ملخصات كتاب ❞ Sudan the Christian Design ❝ ــ Hassan Makki Ahmad 📖

█ _ Hassan Makki Ahmad 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Sudan the Christian Design ❝ 2024 Design: This study is an effort to look at roots and dimensions of missions Sudan, their impact, in period 1843 1986 It hopes throw some light on many problem areas, such as: 1 The role Mission field education, culture social services, especially Southern other under developed areas Certain were depen dent services for a long time needs be studied order determine its feasibility usefulness 2 effect significance pre independence National Movement conflict, far reaching consequences conflict still casts shadow State relationship community 3 secular discourse extremism For last thirty years (since 1955) has witnessed militant brand became norm express itself by raising arms, involvement guerrilla activities against right Islamic exist South dominate North Many Church organizations associations embraced heralds discourse, introduced them world blessed كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية مجاناً PDF اونلاين holy books are texts which Muslims believe authored God via various prophets throughout humanity's history All these books, Muslim belief, promulgated code laws that ordained those people

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Sudan the Christian Design

Sudan the Christian Design

ــ Hassan Makki Ahmad

Sudan the Christian Design

Sudan the Christian Design

ــ Hassan Makki Ahmad

عن كتاب Sudan the Christian Design:
This study is an effort to look at the roots and dimensions of Christian missions to Sudan, and their impact, in the period 1843-1986. It hopes to throw some light on many problem areas, such as:

1. The role of Mission in the field of education, culture and social services, especially in Southern Sudan and other under-developed areas. Certain areas of Sudan were depen- dent on such services for a long time. The role of Mission needs to be studied in order to determine its feasibility and usefulness.

2. The effect and significance of the pre-independence National Movement-Mission conflict, and its far-reaching consequences. This conflict still casts its shadow on the State-Mission relationship and on the community. 3. Mission and secular discourse extremism. For the last thirty years (since 1955) Sudan has witnessed a militant brand of secular discourse extremism. It became the norm for such discourse to express itself by raising arms, involvement in guerrilla activities against the right of Islamic culture to exist in the South and to dominate in the North.

Many Church organizations and associations embraced the heralds of such discourse, introduced them to the world and blessed their activities.
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عدد الصفحات: 177.
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Hassan Makki Ahmad ✍️ المؤلف
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