📘 ❞ Problems and Solutions ❝ كتاب ــ محمد صالح المنجد

كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - 📖 كتاب ❞ Problems and Solutions ❝ ــ محمد صالح المنجد 📖

█ _ محمد صالح المنجد 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Problems and Solutions ❝ 2024 Solutions: Sleeping missing salaat al fajr Excessive laughter Waswaas (insinuating thoughts from Shaytaan) Staying up late Short temper Introduction Praise be to Allaah, we praise Him seek His help, refuge with Allaah the evil of our own selves deeds Whomever Allaah guides, no one can mislead, whomever Allaah leaves astray, one can guide I bear witness that there is god except alone, with no partner or associate, Muhammad slave and Messenger “O you who believe! Fear as He should feared, die not in a state Islam (as Muslims) complete submission ” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:102 – interpretation meaning] “O mankind! Be dutiful your Lord, Who created a single person, and him his wife, them both many men and women, fear through Whom demand mutual (rights), and (do cut relations of) wombs (kinship) Surely, Ever an All Watcher over [al Nisaa’ 4:1 meaning] “O Keep duty Him, speak (always) truth will direct do righteous good deeds, will forgive sins And whoever obeys Messenger, he has indeed achieved great achievement Ahzaab 33:70 of the meaning] Some brothers have asked me questions in various talks lectures, including questions about number problems, “diseases heart” (spiritual problems) very real obstacles they are facing answered these questions enquiries series studies entitled Shakaawaa wa Hulool (Problems solutions) This has been reviewed for publication, now present it my brothers hope this action may included those referred the hadeeth Prophet (peace blessings upon him): “Whoever relieves believer some distress world, will relieve Day Judgement help His so long helping brother (Saheeh Muslim) ask Allaah give my strength avoid evil, save us on Regrets, Best are asked, Able all things [ Arabic Index English ] Sleeping fajr A complained: “I miss Ffjr most days, hardly ever pray at right time Usually wake until after sun risen, or best praying fajr jamaa’ah tried to wake time, success What solution this problem?” All The problem, like others, two aspects: theoretical practical The aspect further broken down into two points: (1) Muslim know status sight of Allaah, glorified be upon him) said: “Whoever prays dawn prayer congregation, if he had prayed whole night (Muslim, p 454, 656; Tirmidhi, 221) also said: “The burdensome prayers hypocrites ’isha’ salaat al fajr, but only knew what contain, would come even they had crawl (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, Musnad, 2 424; Saheeh Jaami’, 133) “Whoever under protection Do put yourselves situation where call account negligence ” (Reported Tabaraani, 7 267; 6344) “Angels shifts day They meet fajr and ‘asr, then had stayed ascend, are asked One knows better than they: ‘How did find My servants?’ say, ‘We left when were praying, came to them ’” Bukhaari, Fath, 33) “The Friday, in congregation Abu Na’eem Hilyah, 207, Silsilah Saheehah, 1566) According saheeh hadeeth: Bardayn enter Paradise 52) Al ‘asr (2) understand seriousness explained hadeeth already quoted: “The Fajr ” In Saheeh, reported Ibn ‘Umar (may pleased them both) “If see person ‘isha’ prayers, think Some enlightening solutions common problems faced Muslims practicing their religion كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل العديد من الكتب الإسلامية المترجمة بجميع اللغات العالمية منها : ***Islamic Books***: الأقسام الفرعية English إنجليزي Français فرنسي Español أسباني Indonesian إندونيسي Türkçe تركي فارسی فارسي اردو أردو Deutsch ألماني Italiano إيطالي বাংলা بنغالي Русский روسي हिन्दी هندي മലയാളം مليالم ไทย تايلندي Filipino فلبيني Shqip ألباني አማርኛ أمهري Bosanski بوسني Polski بولندي 中文 صيني Português برتغالي 한국어 كوري 日本語 ياباني

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
Problems and Solutions

Problems and Solutions

ــ محمد صالح المنجد

Problems and Solutions

Problems and Solutions

ــ محمد صالح المنجد

عن كتاب Problems and Solutions:
Sleeping and missing salaat al-fajr
Excessive laughter
Waswaas (insinuating thoughts from Shaytaan)
Staying up late
Short temper

Praise be to Allaah, we praise Him and seek His help, and we seek refuge with
Allaah from the evil of our own selves and from our evil deeds. Whomever
Allaah guides, no one can mislead, and whomever Allaah leaves astray, no one
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah alone, with no
partner or associate, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and
“O you who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in
a state of Islam (as Muslims) with complete submission to Allaah.” [Aal
‘Imraan 3:102 – interpretation of the meaning]
“O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person,
and from him created his wife, and from them both He created many men and
women, and fear Allaah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and

(do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allaah is Ever an All-
Watcher over you.” [al-Nisaa’ 4:1 – interpretation of the meaning]

“O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him, and speak
(always) the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds, and will
forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger, he has
indeed achieved a great achievement.” [al-Ahzaab 33:70 – interpretation of
the meaning]
Some brothers have asked me questions in various talks and lectures, including
questions about a number of problems, “diseases of the heart” (spiritual
problems) and very real obstacles that they are facing. I answered these
questions and enquiries in a series of studies entitled Shakaawaa wa Hulool
(Problems and solutions).
This series has been reviewed for publication, and I now present it to my
brothers in the hope that this action may be included in those referred to in the
hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):
“Whoever relieves a believer of some of the distress of this world, Allaah will
relieve him of some of the distress of the Day of Judgement... Allaah will help
His slave so long as the slave is helping his brother.” (Saheeh Muslim) I ask
Allaah to give my brothers and me the strength to do good deeds and to avoid
evil, and to save us on the Day of Regrets, for He is the Best of those who are
asked, and He is Able to do all things.

[ Arabic Index | English Index ]

Sleeping and missing salaat al-fajr
A brother complained: “I miss salaat al-Ffjr on most days, and I hardly ever
pray it at the right time. Usually I do not wake up until after the sun has risen,
or at best I wake up after the time for praying fajr in jamaa’ah. I have tried to
wake up at the right time, with no success. What is the solution to this
All praise be to Allaah. The solution to this problem, like others, has two
aspects: theoretical and practical.
The theoretical aspect may be further broken down into two points:

(1) The Muslim should know the great status of salaat al-fajr in the sight of
Allaah, may He be glorified. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) said: “Whoever prays the dawn prayer in congregation, it is as if he
had prayed the whole night long.” (Muslim, p. 454, no. 656; al-Tirmidhi, 221).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said:
“The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are salaat al-’isha’ and salaat
al-fajr, but if they only knew what they contain, they would come even if they
had to crawl.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, al-Musnad, 2/424; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 133).
“Whoever prays fajr is under the protection of Allaah. Do not put yourselves in
a situation where Allaah has to call you to account for your negligence.”
(Reported by al-Tabaraani, 7/267; Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 6344).
“Angels come to you in shifts by night and by day. They meet at salaat al-fajr
and salaat al-‘asr, then those who had stayed with you at night ascend, and are
asked by the One Who knows better than they: ‘How did you find My
servants?’ They say, ‘We left them when they were praying, and we came to
them when they were praying.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 2/33).
“The best of prayers in the sight of Allaah is the dawn prayer on Friday, in

congregation.” (Reported by Abu Na’eem in al-Hilyah, 7/207, and in al-Silsilah al-
Saheehah, 1566).

According to a saheeh hadeeth: “Whoever prays al-Bardayn will enter
Paradise.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 2/52). Al-Bardayn are fajr and ‘asr.
(2) The Muslim should understand the seriousness of missing salaat al-fajr.
This is explained by the hadeeth already quoted:
“The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are salaat al-’isha’ and salaat
In al-Saheeh, it is reported that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with them
both) said: “If we did not see a person at fajr and ‘isha’ prayers, we would think

Some enlightening solutions to common problems faced by Muslims in practicing their religion


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