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About Smashwords
Welcome to Smashwords! Smashwords is the world's largest distributor of indie ebooks. We make it fast, free and easy for any author or publisher, anywhere in the world, to publish and distribute ebooks to the major retailers and thousands of libraries.
FOR AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS AND LITERARY AGENTS, Smashwords offers quick and easy ebook distribution to most of the world's largest ebook retailers. We provide free tools for marketing, distribution, metadata management and sales reporting. At Smashwords, our authors and publishers have complete control over the sampling, pricing and marketing of their written works. Smashwords is ideal for publishing novels, short fiction, poetry, personal memoirs, monographs, non-fiction, research reports, essays, or other written forms that haven’t even been invented yet.
FOR RETAILERS, Smashwords offers a catalog of over 400,000 vetted, well-formatted ebooks from over 100,000 authors and publishers. We work with our retail partners to help them efficiently ingest, merchandise and sell our titles.
FOR READERS, The Smashwords Store provides an opportunity to discover new voices in all categories and genres of the written word. Once you register, the site offers useful tools for search, discovery and personal library management. Most of our books are affordably priced and multi-format. Over 70,000 of our books are priced at free.