[مراجعات] 📘 ❞ Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal ❝ كتاب ــ إقبال أحمد اصدار 2000

فكر وثقافة - 📖 فيديوهات كتاب ❞ Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal ❝ ــ إقبال أحمد 📖

█ _ إقبال أحمد 2000 حصريا كتاب ❞ Islam and Open Society Fidelity Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Iqbal: In atmosphere suspicion anger that characterizes our time, it is a joy to hear voice Iqbal, both passionate serene It soul deeply anchored Quranic Revelation, precisely for reason, open all other voices, seeking them path his own fidelity man who has left behind identitarian rigidity, 'broken idols tribe caste' address himself human beings But an unhappy accident meant this was buried, general forgetting Islamic modernism very country he named before its existence, Pakistan, whose multiple rigidities ñ political, religious, military constitute continual refutation essence thought we need him again, citizens West, Muslims, those from native India, where form Hindu chauvinism rages times, way exceeds worst fears Souleymane Bachir Diagne done us immense favor making heard once clear convincing Charles Taylor, Professor, McGill University Quebec, Canada فكر وثقافة مجاناً PDF اونلاين الثقافة تعني صقل النفس والمنطق والفطانة حيث أن المثقف يقوم نفسه بتعلم أمور جديدة كما هو حال القلم عندما يتم بريه هذا القسم يشمل العديدة من الكتب المتميزة الفكر والثقافة تتعدّد المعاني التي ترمي إليها اللغة العربية فهي ترجِع أصلها إلى الفعل الثلاثي ثقُفَ الذي يعني الذكاء والفطنة وسرعة التعلم والحذق والتهذيب وتسوية الشيء وإقامة اعوجاجه والعلم والفنون والتعليم والمعارف

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Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal

Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal

ــ إقبال أحمد

صدر 2000م
Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal

Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal

ــ إقبال أحمد

صدر 2000م
عن كتاب Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal:
In the atmosphere of suspicion and anger that characterizes our time, it is a joy to hear the voice of Iqbal, both passionate and serene. It is the voice of a soul that is deeply anchored in the Quranic Revelation, and precisely for that reason, open to all the other voices, seeking in them the path of his own fidelity. It is the voice of a man who has left behind all identitarian rigidity, who has 'broken all the idols of tribe and caste' to address himself to all human beings. But an unhappy accident has meant that this voice was buried, both in the general forgetting of Islamic modernism and in the very country that he named before its existence, Pakistan, whose multiple rigidities ñ political, religious, military ñ constitute a continual refutation of the very essence of his thought. But we all need to hear him again, citizens of the West, Muslims, and those from his native India, where a form of Hindu chauvinism rages in our times, in a way that exceeds his worst fears. Souleymane Bachir Diagne has done all of us an immense favor in making this voice heard once again, clear and convincing. Charles Taylor, Professor, McGill University Quebec, Canada.


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