❞ تأملات في قوله تعالى(كَلَّا ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ نَزَّاعَةً لِّلشَّوَىٰ
تَدْعُو مَنْ أَدْبَرَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ وَجَمَعَ فَأَوْعَىٰ) الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(كلا إنها لظى) : هذه صفة جهنم أي شديد الحرارة و في حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (نار الدنيا جزء من سبعين جزءا من نار الآخرة)
(نزاعة للشوى) : أي من شدة حرها و حريقها تشوي الجلد و تنزعه من الجسد
(تدعو من أدبر و تولى) : قيل دعوة النار هنا مجازية اي يكتب فيها مقعد كل معذَّب وقيل المعنى حقيقي و هذا هو الصحيح و الله اعلم اي يسمع الشقيُ نداء النار تقول له تعالى يا من عصى الله و تجرأ عليه بالكفر و الذنوب ، من ادبر و تولى من صفات اهل النار انهم يقابلون الإسلام بالضهر و يتخلفون عن دعوة النبي
(وجمع فأوعى) : و من صفاتهم ايضا الجشع و النهم في إتباع الشهوات وجمع الأموال في الأوعية و البنوك
و الخلاصة ان الله تعالى من عدله و كماله انه يعذب الكافر الظالم المستهزء بربه حتي يعلم أنه ملك لله و ان وعده سبحانه صادق و انه هو القوي الجبار الذي لا يغلب فحقيقة الأسماء الحسنى و الصفات العلا تظهر للإنسان يوم القيامة إذن علينا أن نتدارك ما فاتنا بالتوبة و الإستغفار و الإقبال على الله قبل فوات الأوان .
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
\"By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\], stripping away the skin, calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\], and gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it.\" (Quran 70:15-18)
\"By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\]\": This is a description of Hellfire, indicating its intense heat. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, \"The fire of this world is one-seventieth of the Fire of the Hereafter.\"
\"Stripping away the skin\": It refers to the severity of its heat and the burning that causes the skin to peel off the body.
\"Calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\]\": The call of the Fire here is metaphorical, meaning that it exposes and highlights the disobedience of those who turned away from Allah and rejected the truth. It addresses the wicked and says, \"O you who disobeyed Allah and dared to commit disbelief and sins!\"
\"And gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it\": Among their characteristics is greed and the accumulation of wealth in banks and containers.
In conclusion, Allah, in His justice and perfection, punishes the disbeliever who mocks his Lord, so that they may realize that He is the Sovereign, and His promises are true. He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, who cannot be overcome. The reality of the beautiful names and lofty attributes of Allah will become apparent to humans on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and turn to Allah before it\'s too late.
#تأملات_في_قوله_تعالى #النار_الدنيا_والآخرة #التوبة_والإستغفار #يوم_القيامة
#ReflectionsOnAllah\'sWords #FireOfThisWorldAndHereafter #RepentanceAndForgiveness #DayOfJudgment. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ تأملات في قوله تعالى(كَلَّا ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ نَزَّاعَةً لِّلشَّوَىٰ
تَدْعُو مَنْ أَدْبَرَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ وَجَمَعَ فَأَوْعَىٰ) الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(كلا إنها لظى) : هذه صفة جهنم أي شديد الحرارة و في حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (نار الدنيا جزء من سبعين جزءا من نار الآخرة)
(نزاعة للشوى) : أي من شدة حرها و حريقها تشوي الجلد و تنزعه من الجسد
(تدعو من أدبر و تولى) : قيل دعوة النار هنا مجازية اي يكتب فيها مقعد كل معذَّب وقيل المعنى حقيقي و هذا هو الصحيح و الله اعلم اي يسمع الشقيُ نداء النار تقول له تعالى يا من عصى الله و تجرأ عليه بالكفر و الذنوب ، من ادبر و تولى من صفات اهل النار انهم يقابلون الإسلام بالضهر و يتخلفون عن دعوة النبي
(وجمع فأوعى) : و من صفاتهم ايضا الجشع و النهم في إتباع الشهوات وجمع الأموال في الأوعية و البنوك
و الخلاصة ان الله تعالى من عدله و كماله انه يعذب الكافر الظالم المستهزء بربه حتي يعلم أنه ملك لله و ان وعده سبحانه صادق و انه هو القوي الجبار الذي لا يغلب فحقيقة الأسماء الحسنى و الصفات العلا تظهر للإنسان يوم القيامة إذن علينا أن نتدارك ما فاتنا بالتوبة و الإستغفار و الإقبال على الله قبل فوات الأوان .
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
˝By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\], stripping away the skin, calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\], and gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it.˝ (Quran 70:15-18)
˝By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\]˝: This is a description of Hellfire, indicating its intense heat. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, ˝The fire of this world is one-seventieth of the Fire of the Hereafter.˝
˝Stripping away the skin˝: It refers to the severity of its heat and the burning that causes the skin to peel off the body.
˝Calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\]˝: The call of the Fire here is metaphorical, meaning that it exposes and highlights the disobedience of those who turned away from Allah and rejected the truth. It addresses the wicked and says, ˝O you who disobeyed Allah and dared to commit disbelief and sins!˝
˝And gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it˝: Among their characteristics is greed and the accumulation of wealth in banks and containers.
In conclusion, Allah, in His justice and perfection, punishes the disbeliever who mocks his Lord, so that they may realize that He is the Sovereign, and His promises are true. He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, who cannot be overcome. The reality of the beautiful names and lofty attributes of Allah will become apparent to humans on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and turn to Allah before it˝s too late.
❞ I sat and reconciled We sat around the truce table after years of separation It was an unusual separation, one that was unjustly unfair to a girl. You stabbed my back, you stabbed my chest and my honor. I spoke about what was not in I was a brother after my brother. I considered you a father after my father and you always called me father. You used to say to me: “Kiss my head, I am also your father!!!!!!” Why this change, why this injustice, why this frown towards me? I forgot that I had a God to protect me after you kicked me off the street. At the end of the evening, I was walking and calling out to the Creator for help. Have you forgotten that you expelled me from your house? I have a home with God. I forgot the ten between us, I forgot the salt between us, I forgot The day you asked me from my father to be part of your family and to be a support to it. You expelled me when I was at the height of my weakness. I tell you: I am at the height of my strength. My strength is in being alone, my strength is in my Creator, my strength is in my loneliness. I tell you, unfortunately, we sat around the truce table, but this time It was too late, for the spirit that forgives, pardons, and pardons has died. The one who was pure in conscience died, the permissible one died, the innocent, weak girl died. There is now only a woman with female features, a male mind, a heart of stone, and insensitivity. There is no place to go back and change the past, only a future with new people, chosen people who are not fake, people who fear for my feelings and feelings, who fear for my honor and honor. Yes, there are people who fear for me. I cry, they cry because of my crying, I laugh, they rejoice because of my joy. I need them to be my support and weapon during the treacherous times. I\'m talking about you and I\'m very sorry because what died will not come back to life. I was silent for years, but the innocent girl rose up. Thank you for hurting me. It was the reason I got up after I fell. The weakness in my heart rose up and became a fire that burns around me. It lights the street lights to light up what\'s around others, it illuminates the path of people walking at night. It illuminates the darkness of hearts that are equal after the shadows of years. It illuminates innocent hearts that do not know right from wrong. Now I say to you: “There has been reconciliation between us to the effect that there is no reconciliation or quarrel left between us. Today I no longer see your quarreling, and I no longer see your mistakes and harm. I only see that the period of ten and salt between us was very short and its deadline came on May 31, 2022. It ends here. The friendship between us died and our relationship ended, so let us leave it. God is the best agent. With tears in the heart of Bouchra Delhoum / Algeria / Blida. ❝ ⏤
❞ I sat and reconciled We sat around the truce table after years of separation It was an unusual separation, one that was unjustly unfair to a girl. You stabbed my back, you stabbed my chest and my honor. I spoke about what was not in I was a brother after my brother. I considered you a father after my father and you always called me father. You used to say to me: “Kiss my head, I am also your father!!!!!!” Why this change, why this injustice, why this frown towards me? I forgot that I had a God to protect me after you kicked me off the street. At the end of the evening, I was walking and calling out to the Creator for help. Have you forgotten that you expelled me from your house? I have a home with God. I forgot the ten between us, I forgot the salt between us, I forgot The day you asked me from my father to be part of your family and to be a support to it. You expelled me when I was at the height of my weakness. I tell you: I am at the height of my strength. My strength is in being alone, my strength is in my Creator, my strength is in my loneliness. I tell you, unfortunately, we sat around the truce table, but this time It was too late, for the spirit that forgives, pardons, and pardons has died. The one who was pure in conscience died, the permissible one died, the innocent, weak girl died. There is now only a woman with female features, a male mind, a heart of stone, and insensitivity. There is no place to go back and change the past, only a future with new people, chosen people who are not fake, people who fear for my feelings and feelings, who fear for my honor and honor. Yes, there are people who fear for me. I cry, they cry because of my crying, I laugh, they rejoice because of my joy. I need them to be my support and weapon during the treacherous times. I˝m talking about you and I˝m very sorry because what died will not come back to life. I was silent for years, but the innocent girl rose up. Thank you for hurting me. It was the reason I got up after I fell. The weakness in my heart rose up and became a fire that burns around me. It lights the street lights to light up what˝s around others, it illuminates the path of people walking at night. It illuminates the darkness of hearts that are equal after the shadows of years. It illuminates innocent hearts that do not know right from wrong. Now I say to you: “There has been reconciliation between us to the effect that there is no reconciliation or quarrel left between us. Today I no longer see your quarreling, and I no longer see your mistakes and harm. I only see that the period of ten and salt between us was very short and its deadline came on May 31, 2022. It ends here. The friendship between us died and our relationship ended, so let us leave it. God is the best agent. With tears in the heart of Bouchra Delhoum / Algeria / Blida. ❝
❞ \"Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire\"
By the writer and President of the Arab Writers in Eastern Europe, Mahmoud Mohammad Omar Jumaa
If you are a lover of goodness and justice, think twice before opening the pages of this novel. In \"Katla\", all traditional perceptions of the struggle between good and evil are shattered. Here, good does not prevail, and the story is far from what you might expect.
At the start of the battle, you will feel as though you are on the verge of defeat. You, representing darkness, are up against those who carry the banner of light. But what you see is nothing more than an illusion—mere scratches that leave a mark, only to fade away. Over time, you will come to realize that good is not always right, and evil is sometimes the inevitable fate.
In the world of \"Katla\", the triumph of darkness is not an end, but a beginning. After the fall of light, a ceremony was held to commemorate the spirits of the village, as if darkness itself needed to honor this moment, ensuring it remains etched in memory.
\"Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire\" is not just a novel; it is a journey into contradictory worlds where concepts of justice and victory are redefined. Do you dare to embark on this adventure?. ❝ ⏤محمود عمر جمعة
❞ ˝Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire˝
By the writer and President of the Arab Writers in Eastern Europe, Mahmoud Mohammad Omar Jumaa
If you are a lover of goodness and justice, think twice before opening the pages of this novel. In ˝Katla˝, all traditional perceptions of the struggle between good and evil are shattered. Here, good does not prevail, and the story is far from what you might expect.
At the start of the battle, you will feel as though you are on the verge of defeat. You, representing darkness, are up against those who carry the banner of light. But what you see is nothing more than an illusion—mere scratches that leave a mark, only to fade away. Over time, you will come to realize that good is not always right, and evil is sometimes the inevitable fate.
In the world of ˝Katla˝, the triumph of darkness is not an end, but a beginning. After the fall of light, a ceremony was held to commemorate the spirits of the village, as if darkness itself needed to honor this moment, ensuring it remains etched in memory.
˝Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire˝ is not just a novel; it is a journey into contradictory worlds where concepts of justice and victory are redefined. Do you dare to embark on this adventure?. ❝