📘 ❞ The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees ❝ كتاب ــ أبو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي

كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - 📖 كتاب ❞ The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees ❝ ــ أبو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي 📖

█ _ أبو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees ❝ 2025 Iblees: Since the Iranian “Revolution” of 1978, there has been a con­ certed effort to spread Shee‘ah doctrine by force arms in Arab world and propagation political influence elsewhere especially West Shi‘ite activity not di­ rected at non Muslims convert them Shi‘ism, but directed specifically ignorant Islaam enthralled by thought Islamic revolution Consequently, brunt Shi‘ite propaganda fallen on new Muslim communities Americas where majority are formative years of their These have flooded with free literature English filled historical distortions, lies, inno­ vations, many given expense paid guided tours Iran exposed ‘fruits revolution’ In number refutations beliefs made early scholars, deviations from mainstream well known Also books pamphlets written recently rebuttal Shi‘ite’s deceptive call mend rift between Sunni How­ ever, due extreme scarcity material concerning the history Shi ‘ites creed, little or no comparison can be made They subsequently overwhelmed Iranian onslaught which more deviant cleverly disguised Hence is dire need for translation authoritative classical works Al­ though polemic style tend alienate read­ ers who uncommitted either side controversy, such works often contain wealth important information The work hand represents an abridged introduction four chapters from Ibn al Jawzee’s classic, Talbees Iblees! deals Devil’s deception some Muslim 1 Literally ‘Talbees” means Iblees, personal name is derived, according Arab philologists, root “balasa” because has nothing expect (ublisa) mercy God 8 scholars, mystics philosophers as psuedo Is lamic sects Three sections concern birth develop­ ment collectively Khawaarij (Khaarijites), (Shia Shi‘ites) Baatineeyah first two are Islaam, third offshoot Any comprehensive study Shi‘ism include Khawaarij, large degree deviation repre­ sents reaction extremes Khawaarij declared ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib Coffer (disbe­ liever) elevated him his descendants leval demi gods Meanwhile re­ ferred considers neither coffer nor demi god, one greatest companions Prophet ( ^ ) 2, and fourth Righteous Caliphs No serious could considered complete without look what it gave to, ultra Baatineeyah, ideas philosophy Shi‘ism were projected inevitable conclusion, ibn became manifesta­ tions earth Christian belief that Jesus was God incarnate, even detestable form, part belief people called themselves just GH) had predicted, “ You will follow ways o f nations before you inch foot if they en­ tered lizard's hole , you would go after t h e m When he asked former meant Christians Jews, replied, ‘"Who else it be ?”3 2The Arabic phrase “£al lallaahu‘alayhi wa Sallam” (may Allaah’s peace bless­ ings upon him), prayer all enjoined say whenever the Prophet’s mentioned 3 Reported Abu Sa‘eed collected Bukhaaree 9 In closing, should noted footnotes text mine Footnotes added identify sources hadeeths author indicate authenticity necessary Extensive also to clarify background references I hope this benefit read pray Allaah accepts good deed done purely His pleas­ ure Abridged Introduction alJawzee’s Dr Bilal Philips’ explosive edited ’Talbees Iblees’, offers views Shi’a sect, various other groups Khaarijites كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل العديد من الكتب الإسلامية المترجمة بجميع اللغات العالمية منها : ***Islamic Books***: الأقسام الفرعية English إنجليزي Français فرنسي Español أسباني Indonesian إندونيسي Türkçe تركي فارسی فارسي اردو أردو Deutsch ألماني Italiano إيطالي বাংলা بنغالي Русский روسي हिन्दी هندي മലയാളം مليالم ไทย تايلندي Filipino فلبيني Shqip ألباني አማርኛ أمهري Bosanski بوسني Polski بولندي 中文 صيني Português برتغالي 한국어 كوري 日本語 ياباني

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The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees

The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees

ــ أَبُو الْفَرَجِ عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ الْجَوْزِيِّ

The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees

The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees

ــ أَبُو الْفَرَجِ عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ الْجَوْزِيِّ

أبو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي ✍️ المؤلف
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عن كتاب The Devil rsquo s Deception Talbees Iblees:
Since the Iranian “Revolution” of 1978, there has been a con­
certed effort to spread the Shee‘ah doctrine by force of arms in the
Arab world and by propagation and political influence elsewhere -
especially in the West. Shi‘ite activity in the West has not been di­
rected at non-Muslims to convert them to Shi‘ism, but has been
directed specifically at Muslims ignorant of Islaam but enthralled
by the thought of Islamic revolution. Consequently, the brunt of
Shi‘ite propaganda has fallen on new-Muslim communities in the
Americas where the majority of Muslims are in the formative years
of their Islaam. These communities have been flooded with free
literature in English filled with historical distortions, lies, and inno­
vations, and many new-Muslims have been given expense paid
guided tours of Iran and exposed to the ‘fruits of the revolution’.
In the Muslim world a number of refutations of the Shi‘ite
beliefs have been made by early scholars, and Shi‘ite deviations
from the mainstream are well known. Also a number of books and
pamphlets have been written recently in rebuttal to the Shi‘ite’s
deceptive call to mend the rift between Sunni and Shee‘ah. How­
ever, due to the extreme scarcity of material in English concerning
the history of Shi ‘ites and their creed, little or no comparison can be
made by new-Muslims. They are subsequently overwhelmed by the
Iranian propaganda onslaught in which many of the more deviant
beliefs have been cleverly disguised. Hence there is a dire need for
the translation of authoritative classical works on the Shee‘ah. Al­
though classical works written in polemic style tend to alienate read­
ers who are uncommitted to either side of the controversy, such
works often contain a wealth of important information.
The work at hand represents an abridged translation of the
introduction and four chapters from Ibn al-Jawzee’s classic,
which deals with the Devil’s deception of some Muslim
1 Literally ‘Talbees” means deception. Iblees, the personal name of the Devil is
derived, according to Arab philologists, from the root “balasa” because Iblees has
nothing to expect (ublisa) from the mercy of God.
scholars, mystics and philosophers as well as deviant psuedo-Is-
lamic sects. Three of the sections concern the birth and develop­
ment of the sects known collectively as the Khawaarij (Khaarijites),
the Shee‘ah (Shia or Shi‘ites) and the Baatineeyah. The first two
are the first deviations from mainstream Islaam, and the third is an
offshoot of the Shee‘ah.
Any comprehensive study of Shi‘ism has to include the
Khawaarij, because to a large degree the Shi‘ite deviation repre­
sents an extreme reaction to the extremes of the Khawaarij. The
Khawaarij declared ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib to be a Coffer (disbe­
liever) and the Shi‘ite elevated him and some of his descendants to
the leval of demi-gods. Meanwhile mainstream Islaam, often re­
ferred to as Sunni Islaam, considers him to be neither a coffer nor a
demi-god, but one of the greatest companions of the Prophet ( ^ ) 2,
and the fourth of the Righteous Caliphs. No serious historical study
of the Shee‘ah could be considered complete without a look at what
it gave birth to, the ultra-deviant sects of the Baatineeyah.
In the sects of the Baatineeyah, the ideas and philosophy of
Shi‘ism were projected to their inevitable conclusion, in which ‘Alee
ibn Abee Taalib and some of his descendants became manifesta­
tions of God on earth. The Christian belief that Prophet Jesus was
God incarnate, in an even more detestable form, became part of the
belief of a people who called themselves Muslims just as the Prophet
GH) had predicted, “
You will follow the ways o f the nations before
you inch by inch and foot by foot to such a degree that if they en­
tered a lizard's hole
you would go in after t h e m
When he was
asked if by former nations he meant the Christians and the Jews, he
‘"Who else could it be
2The Arabic phrase “£al-lallaahu‘alayhi wa Sallam” (may Allaah’s peace and bless­
ings be upon him), is a prayer which all Muslims are enjoined to say whenever the
Prophet’s name is mentioned.
3 Reported by Abu Sa‘eed and collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.
In closing, it should be noted that all of the footnotes in the
text are mine. Footnotes were added to identify the sources of the
mentioned by the author and to indicate their degree of
authenticity where necessary. Extensive footnotes were also added
to clarify the background of many of the historical references given
by the author.
I hope that this work will be of benefit to all who read it and
pray that Allaah accepts it as a good deed done purely for His pleas­

Abridged translation of the Introduction and four chapters from Ibn alJawzee’s classical work Talbees Iblees Dr. Bilal Philips’ explosive edited translation of Ibn alJawzee’s classical work ’Talbees Iblees’, which offers the Ibn Jawzee’s views on the Shi’a sect, as well as various other groups such as the Khawaarij Khaarijites and the Baatineeyah.


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