[اقتباسات] 📘 ❞ Understanding Morphology 2nd edition ❝ كتاب ــ Martin Haspelmath اصدار 2010

الصرف Morphology - 📖 اقتباسات كتاب ❞ Understanding Morphology 2nd edition ❝ ــ Martin Haspelmath 📖

█ _ Martin Haspelmath 2010 حصريا كتاب ❞ Understanding Morphology 2nd edition ❝ 2024 edition: Language Series Series Editors: Bernard Comrie and Greville Corbett Understanding Morphology 2nd edition Martin Haspelmath Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Andrea D Sims The Ohio State University Contents Preface to the second xi Preface first xiii Abbreviations xv 1 Introduction 1 1 1 What is morphology? 2 in different languages 4 1 3 The goals of morphological research 6 1 4 A brief user’s guide this book 9 Summary Chapter 11 Further reading 11 Comprehension exercises 12 2 Basic concepts 14 2 Lexemes word forms 15 2 Affixes, bases roots 19 2 Morphemes allomorphs 22 Summary 27 Appendix Morpheme by morpheme glosses 27 Comprehension 29 Exploratory exercise 30 3 Rules 33 3 Morphological patterns 34 3 Affixation compounding Base modification 35 3 Reduplication 38 3 Conversion 39 3 5 Outside realm morphology 40 viâ•… C O N T E S 3 Two approaches rules 40 3 based model 41 3 46 Summary 54 Further 54 Comprehension 55 Exploratory 56 4 Lexicon 60 4 lexicon? 61 4 strict form 66 4 Reconciling morphemes 70 Summary 75 Further 75 Comprehension 76 Exploratory 77 5 Inflection derivation 81 5 Inflectional values Derivational meanings 86 5 Derived nouns 87 5 verbs 88 5 adjectives 89 5 Properties inflection Relevance syntax 90 5 Obligatoriness 92 5 Limitations on application 93 5 Same concept as base Abstractness 94 5 6 Meaning compositionality 7 Position relative 95 5 8 allomorphy 96 5 9 Word class change 10 Cumulative expression 98 5 11 Iteration Dichotomy or continuum? Inherent contextual 100 5 Inflection, interface 102 5 dichotomy approach split continuum single component architecture 105 Summary 106 Appendix Notation conventions inflectional 107 الصرف مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي كل ما يخص بعلم الصرف يتوفر علم تبيان تأليف الكلمة المفردة بتبيان وزنها وعدد حروفها حركاتها ترتيبها يعرض لذلك من تغيير وحذف وما ترتيبهما حروف اصالة زيادة يقتصر مجال دراسات الأسماء المتمكنة (المعربة) الافعال المتصرفة (غير جامدة) أما الحروف مبنيات جوامد فلا تدخل دراسته أبحاثه يُعرَفُ أيضا التشكل (باللاتينية: Morphologia) والصرف لُغَةً هو التغير والتحويل ومنه تصريف الرياح أي وجهتها مكان لآخر In linguistics, ( mɔːrˈfɒlədʒi ) study words, how they are formed, their relationship other words same language It analyzes structure parts such stems, root prefixes, suffixes also looks at speech, intonation stress, ways context can a word's pronunciation meaning differs from typology, which classification use lexicology, make up language's vocabulary ]

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Understanding Morphology 2nd edition

Understanding Morphology 2nd edition

ــ Martin Haspelmath

صدر 2010م
Understanding Morphology 2nd edition

Understanding Morphology 2nd edition

ــ Martin Haspelmath

صدر 2010م
عن كتاب Understanding Morphology 2nd edition:
Understanding Language Series
Series Editors: Bernard Comrie and Greville Corbett

2nd edition
Martin Haspelmath
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Andrea D. Sims
The Ohio State University

Preface to the second edition xi
Preface to the first edition xiii
Abbreviations xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 What is morphology? 1
1.2 Morphology in different languages 4
1.3 The goals of morphological research 6
1.4 A brief user’s guide to this book 9
Summary of Chapter 1 11
Further reading 11
Comprehension exercises 12
2 Basic concepts 14
2.1 Lexemes and word-forms 15
2.2 Affixes, bases and roots 19
2.3 Morphemes and allomorphs 22
Summary of Chapter 2 27
Appendix. Morpheme-by-morpheme glosses 27
Comprehension exercises 29
Exploratory exercise 30
3 Rules 33
3.1 Morphological patterns 34
3.1.1 Affixation and compounding 34
3.1.2 Base modification 35
3.1.3 Reduplication 38
3.1.4 Conversion 39
3.1.5 Outside the realm of morphology 40

viâ•… C O N T E N T S
3.2 Two approaches to morphological rules 40
3.2.1 The morpheme-based model 41
3.2.2 The word-based model 46
Summary of Chapter 3 54
Further reading 54
Comprehension exercises 55
Exploratory exercise 56
4 Lexicon 60
4.1 A morpheme lexicon? 61
4.2 A strict word-form lexicon? 66
4.3 Reconciling word-forms and morphemes 70
Summary of Chapter 4 75
Further reading 75
Comprehension exercises 76
Exploratory exercise 77
5 Inflection and derivation 81
5.1 Inflectional values 81
5.2 Derivational meanings 86
5.2.1 Derived nouns 87
5.2.2 Derived verbs 88
5.2.3 Derived adjectives 89
5.3 Properties of inflection and derivation 89
5.3.1 Relevance to the syntax 90
5.3.2 Obligatoriness 92
5.3.3 Limitations on application 93
5.3.4 Same concept as base 93
5.3.5 Abstractness 94
5.3.6 Meaning compositionality 94
5.3.7 Position relative to base 95
5.3.8 Base allomorphy 96
5.3.9 Word-class change 96
5.3.10 Cumulative expression 98
5.3.11 Iteration 98
5.4 Dichotomy or continuum? 98
5.4.1 Inherent and contextual inflection 100
5.5 Inflection, derivation and the syntax-morphology interface 102
5.5.1 The dichotomy approach and split morphology 102
5.5.2 The continuum approach and single-component
architecture 105
Summary of Chapter 5 106
Appendix. Notation conventions for inflectional values 107


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