[اقتباسات] 📘 ❞ Innocence and Experience ❝ كتاب ــ ستيوارت هامبشر اصدار 1991

الفكر والفلسفة - 📖 اقتباسات كتاب ❞ Innocence and Experience ❝ ــ ستيوارت هامبشر 📖

█ _ ستيوارت هامبشر 1991 حصريا كتاب ❞ Innocence and Experience ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Experience: Human beings have lived by very different conceptions of the good life In this book, Stuart Hampshire argues that no individual modern society can avoid conflicts between incompatible moral interests Philosophers tried in past to find some underlying idea justice which could resolve these would be valid for any claims there such thing States held together, war them avoided, only respect political process itself, it is terms must defined The book closely examines critical relationship morality justice, paying particular attention Hume's subjectivism (which disputes) proposing a reply Machiavelli's claim realities politics inevitably oblige leaders choose unavoidable evils Most academic philosophy, argues, has been fairy tale, representing ideals private innocence rather than public experience Conflicts are as social international arenas they lives individuals Philosophers, politicians, theologians all looked an consensus will just But diversity human species important differences how various cultures define militate against formation Ultimately, mediated procedural Hampshire believes themes philosophy come from writer's own experience, he given brief but compelling account his help reader understand sources Combining intellectual rigor with imaginative power, vividly illuminates tensions other value الفكر والفلسفة مجاناً PDF اونلاين ترتيب أمور معلومة للتأدي إلى مجهول ويُستخدم الدراسات المتعلقة بالعقل البشري ويشير قدرة العقل تصحيح الاستنتاجات بشأن ما هو حقيقي أو واقعي وبشأن كيفية حل المشكلات ويمكن تقسيم النقاش المتعلق بالفكر مجالين واسعي النطاق وفي هذين المجالين استمر استخدام المصطلحين "الفكر" و"الذكاء" كمصطلحين مرتبطين ببعضهما البعض الفلسفة (لغويا من اليونانية φιλοσοφία‏ philosophia والتي تعني حرفيًا "حب الحكمة") هي دراسة الأسئلة العامة والأساسية الوجود والمعرفة والقيم والعقل والاستدلال واللغة غالبًا تطرح مثل هذه كمسائل لدراستها حلها ربما صاغ مصطلح "فيلسوف (محب الحكمة)" الفيلسوف وعالم الرياضيات فيثاغورس (570 495 قبل الميلاد) تشمل الأساليب الفلسفية الاستجواب والمناقشة النقدية والحجة المنطقية والعرض المنهجي وهذا ركن خاص بكتب مجانيه للتحميل

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Innocence and Experience

Innocence and Experience

ــ ستيوارت هامبشر

صدر 1991م
Innocence and Experience

Innocence and Experience

ــ ستيوارت هامبشر

صدر 1991م
عن كتاب Innocence and Experience:
Human beings have lived by very different conceptions of the good life. In this book, Stuart Hampshire argues that no individual and no modern society can avoid conflicts between incompatible moral interests. Philosophers have tried in the past to find some underlying moral idea of justice which could resolve these conflicts and would be valid for any society. Hampshire claims that there can be no such thing. States can be held together, and war between them avoided, only by respect for the political process itself, and it is in these terms that justice must be defined.

The book closely examines the critical relationship between morality and justice, paying particular attention to Hume's moral subjectivism (which Hampshire disputes) and proposing a reply to Machiavelli's claim that the realities of politics inevitably oblige leaders to choose between unavoidable evils.

Most academic and moral philosophy, Hampshire argues, has been a fairy tale, representing ideals of private innocence rather than the realities of public experience. Conflicts between incompatible moral interests are as unavoidable in social and international arenas as they are in the lives of individuals. Philosophers, politicians, and theologians have all looked for an underlying moral consensus that will be valid for any just society. But the diversity of the human species and important differences in how various cultures define the good life militate against the formation of any such consensus. Ultimately, conflicts can be mediated only by respect for procedural justice.

Hampshire believes that themes of moral philosophy come from the writer's own experience, and he has given a brief but compelling account of his own life to help the reader understand the sources of his philosophy. Combining intellectual rigor with imaginative power, in Innocence and Experience Stuart Hampshire vividly illuminates the tensions between justice and other sources of value in society and in the life of the individual.


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219 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9780674454491 .
ستيوارت هامبشر ✍️ المؤلف
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