[اقتباسات] 📘 ❞ Who, What and Why Trans-National Government, Legitimacy and the World Health Organisation ❝ كتاب ــ روجر سكروتون اصدار 2000

فكر وثقافة - 📖 اقتباسات كتاب ❞ Who, What and Why Trans-National Government, Legitimacy and the World Health Organisation ❝ ــ روجر سكروتون 📖

█ _ روجر سكروتون 2000 حصريا كتاب ❞ Who, What and Why ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Why: Trans National Government, Legitimacy the WHO Roger Scruton examines activities of transnational institutions (the United Nations its affiliates) finds that they are, in effect, exercising legislative powers, so bypassing national legislatures avoiding constraints to which those are subject The ex politicians who tend be placed charge these too sensitive concerns unrepresentative interest groups want impose their visions world on other people World Health Organisation (WHO) is one such institution An example abuse powers attempt, based spurious grounds, secure a draconian convention against tobacco industry Such would do nothing curtail consumption but increase criminal activity confer massive policing unaccountable bureaucrats WHO, argues, should instead concentrate real mission prevention cure communicable diseases as malaria TB فكر وثقافة مجاناً PDF اونلاين الثقافة تعني صقل النفس والمنطق والفطانة حيث أن المثقف يقوم نفسه بتعلم أمور جديدة كما هو حال القلم عندما يتم بريه هذا القسم يشمل العديدة من الكتب المتميزة الفكر والثقافة تتعدّد المعاني التي ترمي إليها اللغة العربية فهي ترجِع أصلها إلى الفعل الثلاثي ثقُفَ الذي يعني الذكاء والفطنة وسرعة التعلم والحذق والتهذيب وتسوية الشيء وإقامة اعوجاجه والعلم والفنون والتعليم والمعارف

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
Who, What and Why

Who, What and Why

Trans-National Government, Legitimacy and the World Health Organisation

ــ روجر سكروتون

صدر 2000م
Who, What and Why

Who, What and Why

Trans-National Government, Legitimacy and the World Health Organisation

ــ روجر سكروتون

صدر 2000م
عن كتاب Who, What and Why:
Trans-National Government, Legitimacy and the WHO. Roger Scruton examines the activities of transnational institutions (the United Nations and its affiliates) and finds that they are, in effect, exercising legislative powers, so bypassing national legislatures and avoiding the constraints to which those legislatures are subject. The ex-politicians who tend to be placed in charge of these transnational institutions are too sensitive to the concerns of unrepresentative interest groups which want to impose their visions of the world on other people. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is one such transnational institution. An example of the abuse of its powers is its attempt, based on spurious grounds, to secure a draconian convention against the tobacco industry. Such a convention would do nothing to curtail tobacco consumption but would increase criminal activity and would confer massive legislative and policing powers on unaccountable bureaucrats. The WHO, Scruton argues, should instead concentrate on its real mission - the prevention and cure of communicable diseases such as malaria and TB.


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132 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9780255364874 .
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