[مراجعات] 📘 ❞ FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler ❝ كتاب اصدار 2013

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█ _ مجموعة من المؤلفين 2013 حصريا كتاب ❞ FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler ❝ عن كتب الأيقونات 2024 Sampler: is an independent British publisher which publishes popular and engaging non fiction for adults We're proud to be part of the Independent Alliance in UK, publishing companies who share a common vision editorial excellence original, diverse This ebook sampler – available free on Kindle, EPUB as PDF download from our website covers subjects science sports biography philosophy The includes extracts Atomic by Jim Baggott; Crashed & Byrned Tommy Byrne; Fordlandia Greg Grandin; God's Philosophers James Hannam; The Lives Times Great Composers Michael Steen; Love, Sex, Death Words John Sutherland Stephen Fender; A Mind Its Own Cordelia Fine; Proust Squid Maryanne Woolf; Quantum Manjit Kumar; Botany Empire Patricia Fara; Real Oliver Twist Time Dance, Die Waller From Squid, fascinating exploration reading brain 'We were never born read,' begins Wolf Grandin's Fordlandia, riveting story American town Henry Ford tried build Brazilian Amazon Kumar's BBC Samuel Johnson prizewinning Quantum, these books represent best over 20 years non?fiction الادب الانجليزى مجاناً اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل الاقسام الفرعية التي تحتوي علي لأدب الإنجليزي (بالإنجليزية: English literature) وهو ما يكتبه الكُتَّاب إنجلترا وأسكتلندا وويلز باللغة الإنجليزية مجالات الشعر والنثر والمسرحية أدب غني بالروائع مختلف المجالات الأدبية كما أنه أقدم الآداب الغربية section sub sections that contain literature, what written writers England, Scotland Wales language poetry, prose drama areas ,

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FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler

FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler

ــ مجموعة من المؤلفين

صدر 2013م عن كتب الأيقونات
FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler

FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler

صدر 2013م عن كتب الأيقونات
عن كتاب FREE Icon Books eBook Sampler:
Icon Books is an independent British publisher which publishes popular and engaging non-fiction for adults. We're proud to be part of the Independent Alliance in the UK, publishing companies who share a common vision of editorial excellence and original, diverse publishing. This ebook sampler – available free on Kindle, in EPUB and as a PDF download from our website – covers subjects from popular science to sports biography to philosophy.

The sampler includes extracts Atomic by Jim Baggott; Crashed & Byrned by Tommy Byrne; Fordlandia by Greg Grandin; God's Philosophers by James Hannam; The Lives and Times of the Great Composers by Michael Steen; Love, Sex, Death and Words by John Sutherland and Stephen Fender; A Mind of Its Own by Cordelia Fine; Proust and the Squid by Maryanne Woolf; Quantum by Manjit Kumar; Sex, Botany and Empire by Patricia Fara; The Real Oliver Twist and A Time to Dance, A Time to Die by John Waller. From Proust and the Squid, a fascinating exploration of the science of the reading brain – 'We were never born to read,' begins Maryanne Wolf – to Greg Grandin's Fordlandia, the riveting story of the American town Henry Ford tried to build in the Brazilian Amazon and Manjit Kumar's BBC Samuel Johnson prizewinning Quantum, these books represent the best of over 20 years of non?fiction publishing from Icon Books.


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152 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9781848316393 .
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