█ _ كاتب غير معروف 2012 حصريا كتاب ❞ WHAT IS PHONOLOGY? 1 ❝ 2024 1: PHONOLOGY? 1 Introduction This book deals with phonology, the study of sound systems of language In following chapters, a close look will be taken at ways in which various languages organize or structure different sounds Since speech sounds are used to convey meaning, cannot fully understood unless they studied in wider linguistic context A language learner, for instance, must master production and perception a given He also, however, learn when use these Thus, speakers English not only [k] [ s ], which are transcribed between phonetic brackets (see below), but also that [k] of opaque changes s] suffix ity is added form word opacity This change as much part system of English fact contains [k], [g], [s], and[z] The goal phonology is, then, properties systems which internalize order their for the purpose communication Thus, approaching a language, it necessary physical the attested (that how made what acoustic correlates are), grammatical 1 علم الأصوات مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتويعلي مصادر خاصة بعلم الأصوات هو فرع من اللغويات يهتم بتنظيم اللغات يركز هذا العلم تقليدياً بشكل كبير دراسة نظم الفونيم لغات محددة ولكن قد تغطي أيضاً أي تحليلات لسانية سواءً مستوى ما دون الكلمة (كالمقاطع اللفظية وغيرها) أو جميع مستويات اللغة حيث يتم اعتبار الصوت هيكلياً لنقل المعنى اللغوي Phonology branch linguistics concerned systematic organization spoken signs sign It phonemes (and therefore called phonemics, phonematics), may cover any analysis either level beneath word (including syllable, onset rime, articulatory gestures, features, mora, etc ) all levels where structured meaning ] Sign have phonological equivalent The building blocks specifications movement, location handshape ] Contents 1 Terminology 2 Derivation definitions 3 History 4 Analysis phonemes 5 Other topics phonology Terminology The 'phonology' (as English) can refer (sound system) given one fundamental which considered comprise, like its syntax, morphology vocabulary