📘 ❞ legal Terms ❝ كتاب ــ Steven H. Gifis اصدار 1999

ترجمة قانونية - 📖 كتاب ❞ legal Terms ❝ ــ Steven H. Gifis 📖

█ _ Steven H Gifis 1999 حصريا كتاب ❞ legal Terms ❝ 2024 Terms: title: author: publisher: isbn10 asin: print isbn13: ebook isbn13: language: subject publication date: lcc: ddc: subject: cover next page > by Gifis Contents Preface vi Acknowledgments viii Pronunciation Guide ix Key to Effective Use of This Dictionary xi Dictionary Legal 1 < Preface Professions tend insulate themselves from lay understanding by the development specialized jargon The legal profession has achieved this insulation so successfully that uninitiated is overwhelmed the incomprehensibility his or her lawyer's prose Despite increasing pervasiveness law into every facet of modern life, special language remains a barrier nonlawyers In recent years "plain language" statutes have been passed several states, requiring consumer contracts, such as residential leases, be written in plain, everyday Yet, even with these reforms, lawyer often mystery to the client The replete words having particular meanings Thus, "moves" "evict a holdover tenant" when wants kick tenant out seeks "partition co tenancy" gone sour and "compel an accounting" ''aggrieved party " A client's home destroyed earthquake and the insurance company refuses pay An attorney asks if "risk" included in insured's policy and, not, whether "representations" were made homeowner would support action "reform" the policy might create "estoppel" against company's denial "liability merchant finds an umbrella coat rack; it "abandoned" "mislaid" explains the merchant "duty" imposes upon "finder" "lost property " In 1975 I authored paperback dictionary primarily for students who trying comprehend what I and their other professors saying That book used tens thousands It is hoped they found assistance baffling new world Paralegals, secretaries and professionals regularly interact lawyers also purchased occurred to me, however greatest need communication existed between ترجمة قانونية مجاناً PDF اونلاين يشمل هذا القسم العديد من الكتب المميزة الترجمة القانونية التي ستجعل منك مترجم محترف التَّرْجَمَة أو النَّقْل هي عملية تحويل نص أصلي مكتوب (ويسمى النص المصدر) اللغة المصدر إلى (النص الهدف) الأخرى فتعد نقل للحضارة والثقافة والفكر تنقسم كتابية وتحريرية ونصية وترجمة فورية وشفوية وسماعية يحتاج كل قانوني يقدم خدمة معتمدة لأن يكون ملمّاً بالمصطلحات المعمول بها بلد حيث عليه أن يراعي خصوصية يترجم منها واللغة إليها حد سواء بالإضافة مخزون لغوي متكامل وتحكم نحوي ممتاز يجمعون بين التخصص والخبرة ويراعون بدقة وعناية إليك عزيزي القارئ مجموعة لكي تحترف فن بنفسك تشمل تخص المجالات التالية: القانون التجاري العقود التراخيص والشروط والأحكام سياسات الخصوصية قانون الشركات المستندات تشكل جزءا الاجتهاد بنود عقود التأسيس اتفاقيات حملة الأسهم شهادات الملكية تقارير المعاين الصكوك مستندات تسجيل الأراضي قانون يتعلق بتكنولوجيا المعلومات والملكية الفردية تراخيص البرامج والعقود المقاضاة المستندات اكتشاف نماذج محاكم أدلة بيانات وشهادات شهودد قانون التوظيف عقود الموظفين كتيبات الموظف مدونة قواعد السلوك والأخلاق الشئون البنكية والمالية اتفاقيات القروض أدوات الخصم التقارير السنوية الشئون التنظيمية مستندات تفويض التسويق وسياسات إدارة المخزون القانون كما هو محدد الحالات السابقة القانون المدني قانون العقود القانون الجنائي قانون الأسرة الفكرية المقاضاة البروتوكولات وبراءات الاختراع المبيعات والأشياء المكتسبة وكتب آخري كثيرة

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
legal Terms

legal Terms

ــ Steven H. Gifis

صدر 1999م
legal Terms

legal Terms

ــ Steven H. Gifis

صدر 1999م
عن كتاب legal Terms:
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by Steven H. Gifis

Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
Pronunciation Guide ix
Key to Effective Use of This Dictionary xi
Dictionary of Legal Terms 1

Professions tend to insulate themselves from lay understanding by the development of specialized jargon. The legal
profession has achieved this insulation so successfully that the uninitiated is overwhelmed by the
incomprehensibility of his or her lawyer's prose. Despite the increasing pervasiveness of law into every facet of
modern life, the special language of the law remains a barrier to nonlawyers. In recent years "plain language"
statutes have been passed by several states, requiring that consumer contracts, such as residential leases, be written
in plain, everyday language. Yet, even with these reforms, the language of the lawyer often remains a mystery to
the client.
The lawyer's language is replete with words having particular meanings. Thus, a lawyer "moves" to "evict a
holdover tenant" when his or her client wants to kick the tenant out. The lawyer seeks to "partition a co-tenancy"
gone sour and to "compel an accounting" to the ''aggrieved party." A client's home is destroyed by earthquake and
the insurance company refuses to pay. An attorney asks if the "risk" of earthquake is included in the insured's
policy and, if not, whether "representations" were made to the homeowner that would support an action to "reform"
the policy or that might create an "estoppel" against the company's denial of "liability." A merchant finds an
umbrella in a coat rack; the attorney asks whether it has been "abandoned" or "mislaid" and explains to the
merchant the "duty" that the law imposes upon a "finder" of "lost property."
In 1975 I authored a paperback law dictionary primarily for law students who were trying to comprehend what I
and their other law professors were saying. That book has been used by tens of thousands of law students. It is
hoped they have found it of assistance in understanding the baffling new world of law. Paralegals, legal secretaries
and other professionals who regularly interact with lawyers have also purchased the law dictionary. It occurred to
me, however that the greatest need for communication existed between the lawyer and the client.


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