📘 ❞ Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih ❝ كتاب ــ اسماعيل عبد الله اصدار 2006

كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - 📖 كتاب ❞ Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih ❝ ــ اسماعيل عبد الله 📖

█ _ اسماعيل عبد الله 2006 حصريا كتاب ❞ Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab sahih ❝ 2025 sahih: Ibn Taymiyyah left a considerable body work characterized by its rich documentation, sober style, brilliant polemic In addition to innumerable fatÉwÉ (legal opinions), two works have received special attention: Al SiyÉsat shar ≤ iyyah (Treatise on Juridical Politics) Minhaj sunnah (The Way Tradition) However, his six volume study, JawÉb ØaÍÊÍ li Man Baddala DÊn MasÊÍ (the apt answer to the one who changed religion the Christ) also deserves equal attention Taymiyyah wrote five other treatises in response Christianity 8 However, this study focuses mainly methodology arguments advanced in Al The Contents Method Al JÉwab ØaÍÊÍ contains information Islam, Christianity, and such extinct Islamic sects which were attracted This was written 1320 public demand to a short treatise 24 pages entitled “A Letter Muslim” by Paul of Antioch, Melkite Bishop Saida 9 This treatise, after due consultation with Church leaders, attempts establish points They claim that: (1) Prophet MuÍammad (SAS) not sent to mankind, but rather pagan Arabs; (2) MuÍammad (SAS) extolled as religion; (3) previous religions and scriptures bear testimony truth validity their religion; (4) Christians are monotheists; (5) belief concerning trinity is demonstrable rational argumentation; (6) a religion is perfected Jesus came after Moses hence they are need any new message or In response, volumes published by DÉr ≤ ÓÎimah publication, Riyadh The first analyzes the Christians’ that only Arabs of JÉhiliyyah period argues (SAS) was messenger for all mankind second attempts to prove distorted ( taÍrÊf ) scriptures and altered ( tabdÊl ) tenets beliefs third fourth volumes devoted question trinity explaining doctrinal origins belief, its theological position, revelational as well grounds upon based He argues that doctrine an innovation unsubstantiated by R ESEARCH N OTES 93 any authoritative injunctions fifth volume, Taymiyyah presents epistemological questions Trinitarian concept, particularly logical relationship between intellectual ( ≤ aql ) knowledge knowledge obtained from revealed tradition ( naql ) final summarises concludes by showing superiority necessity perfect combination good just book teaches Muslims and others how think when studying It presents both logical scriptural refutation introduction makes it clear that his intention list Christian historical background, analyse positions concepts of God, trinity, incarnation other His main objective substantiate distinction creator and his creations Since God “Realm Ideal Being” totally other than realm actual being creation, really one and Transcendent assessments both on scriptural analyses Though is concerned has deviated original teachings Prophet, discusses some heretical practices among Muslims sought show that Christians’ errors “changing Christ” was also prevalent earlier generations well his contemporaries calls them hypocrites the innovators Hypocrites those outwardly profess faith all the (SAS), secretly loath message, like renegades ( malÉÍidah ) Batinis Renegades, according to Taymiyyah, greater error Christians, whereas the innovators generality message of confused about true teaching of Islam Unless re Written Ismail Abdullah, important explain us Trials turn highlights Tawheed, letter Sheikh Islam Taymiyah God's mercy, known correct replaced Christ, lot evidence mental minority distortion religion, obvious contradiction current character كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل العديد من الكتب الإسلامية المترجمة بجميع اللغات العالمية منها : ***Islamic Books***: الأقسام الفرعية English إنجليزي Français فرنسي Español أسباني Indonesian إندونيسي Türkçe تركي فارسی فارسي اردو أردو Deutsch ألماني Italiano إيطالي বাংলা بنغالي Русский روسي हिन्दी هندي മലയാളം مليالم ไทย تايلندي Filipino فلبيني Shqip ألباني አማርኛ أمهري Bosanski بوسني Polski بولندي 中文 صيني Português برتغالي 한국어 كوري 日本語 ياباني

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih

Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih

ــ اسماعيل عبد الله

صدر 2006م
Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih

Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih

ــ اسماعيل عبد الله

صدر 2006م
اسماعيل عبد الله ✍️ المؤلف
المتجر أماكن الشراء
مناقشات ومراجعات
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عن كتاب Tawhid and Trinity A Study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s al Jawab al sahih:
Taymiyyah left a considerable body of work characterized by
its rich documentation, sober style, and brilliant polemic. In addition
to innumerable
(legal opinions), two works have received
special attention:
Al-SiyÉsat al-shar

(Treatise on Juridical
Politics) and
Minhaj al-sunnah
(The Way of Tradition). However,
his six volume study,
Al-JawÉb al-ØaÍÊÍ li Man Baddala DÊn al-
(the apt answer to the one who changed the religion of the
Christ) also deserves equal attention. Ibn Taymiyyah also wrote five
other treatises in response to Christianity.
However, this study
focuses mainly on the methodology and the arguments advanced in
Al-JawÉb al-ØaÍÊÍ.
The Contents and the Method
Al-JÉwab al-ØaÍÊÍ
contains rich information on Islam, Christianity,
and such extinct Islamic sects which were attracted to Christianity.
This work was written in 1320 on public demand and in response to
a short treatise of 24 pages entitled “A Letter to a Muslim” by Paul
of Antioch, the Melkite Bishop of Saida.
This treatise, written after
due consultation with Church leaders, attempts to establish six points.
They claim that: (1) Prophet MuÍammad (SAS) was not sent to
mankind, but rather to the pagan Arabs; (2) Prophet MuÍammad
(SAS) extolled Christianity as a religion; (3) previous religions and
scriptures bear testimony to the truth and validity of their religion;
(4) Christians are monotheists; (5) their belief concerning the trinity
is demonstrable by rational argumentation; and (6) Christianity as a
religion is perfected by Jesus who came after Moses and hence they
are not in need of any new message or religion.
In response, Ibn Taymiyyah wrote the six volumes published by
DÉr al-

ÓÎimah publication, Riyadh. The first volume analyzes the
Christians’ claim that MuÍammad (SAS) was sent only to the Arabs
of the
period and argues that Prophet MuÍammad (SAS)
was sent as a messenger for all mankind. The second volume attempts
to prove that the Christians distorted (
) their scriptures and
altered (
) the tenets of their beliefs. The third and fourth
volumes are devoted to the question of trinity explaining the doctrinal
origins of this belief, its theological position, and revelational as
well as rational grounds upon which this belief is based. He argues
that the doctrine of the trinity is an innovation unsubstantiated by
any authoritative injunctions. In the fifth volume, Ibn Taymiyyah
presents epistemological questions on the Trinitarian concept,
particularly on the logical relationship between the intellectual (

knowledge and the knowledge obtained from the revealed tradition
). The final volume summarises the arguments and concludes
by showing the superiority and necessity of Islam, which is a perfect
combination of all that is good and just. The book teaches the Muslims
and others how to think when studying Christianity. It presents both
logical and scriptural arguments in its refutation of Christianity.
In the introduction to the volume, Ibn Taymiyyah makes it clear
that his intention is not to list the Christian sects and their historical
background, but to analyse their theological positions and concepts
of God, trinity, incarnation and other Christian beliefs. His main
objective is to substantiate the distinction between the creator and
his creations. Since God is the “Realm Ideal Being” which is totally
other than the realm of actual being or creation, He is really the one
and only Transcendent being. His assessments are based both on
scriptural and theological analyses.
Al-JawÉb al-ØaÍÊÍ
is concerned with Christianity that has
deviated from the original teachings of its Prophet, it also discusses
some heretical practices among the Muslims. He sought to show
that the Christians’ errors in “changing the religion of Christ” was
also prevalent among Muslims of earlier generations as well as his
contemporaries. Ibn Taymiyyah calls them hypocrites and the
innovators. Hypocrites are those who outwardly profess faith in all
the teachings of the Prophet (SAS), but secretly loath his message,
like the renegades (
) and the Batinis. Renegades, according
to Ibn Taymiyyah, are in greater error than the Christians, whereas
the innovators are those who profess the generality of the message
of the Prophet (SAS) but are confused about the true teaching of
Islam. Unless Muslims re

Written by Ismail Abdullah, which is an important message to explain to us the error in the doctrine of Trinitarian Trials of the Christians, and in turn highlights the doctrine of Tawheed, and this letter is based on the book of Sheikh Islam Ibn Taymiyah God's mercy, known as the correct answer for those who replaced the religion of Christ, A lot of evidence and mental arguments and the minority that prove the distortion of the Christian religion, and the error and the obvious contradiction in the religion of the current character


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