📘 ❞ the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs ❝ كتاب ــ احمد عبدالوهاب اصدار 1985

مقارنة الأديان - 📖 كتاب ❞ the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs ❝ ــ احمد عبدالوهاب 📖

█ _ احمد عبدالوهاب 1985 حصريا كتاب ❞ the christ as seen in sources of christian beliefs ❝ 2024 beliefs: This book has privilege to speak Jesus Christ, pre :eded by thousands and thousands books, be followed by still many more study basically stands on vision Christ seen through Christian It is therefore reasonable devote these as much concentration necessary sufficient of the himself It mainly a compilation studies investigations relating to the subject matter some distinguished scholars Christianity, submitted readers who, surely, differ widely their cultures and interests Today's man lives an age enlightenmepts which boasts of Mental Libration, technological revolution, etc The mind of this cannot accept dictated beliefs, or inherited dogma, without proof Belief is, no doubt, personal matter, but it belief and behaviour that determines man's future eternal life So the ethical responsibility make result studies available those who have been swept off pressures to enable them think over �elief s, light latest religious Religious stand at head that cannot without documentation supporting proofs That is why so many testimonies are quoted from con clusions Christianity Texts put bet ween quotation marks, usual, reader may easily distinguish scholar's sayings author Let mentioned outset book believes fully one his followers, also all the prophets sent God He belitVes 'a word God conveyed Mary' miraculously conceived borne him He is spirit God' Son messenger a http: almaktabeh com prophet like Moses Teacher Master Prince of Peace He performed miracles, signs God; he healed who were sick with various diseases, cast out maizy demons, revived the dead 'was prophet mighty deed bcf ore all the people approved among for perfonning miracles wonders signs, granted him ' At beginning ministry said : 'I am not unto the lost sheep house Israel • And end his ministry, 'And life, they know thee the only true God, whom thou hast ' Lastly, let inducement Christ's teachings, 'Search scriptures, they·which testify me'; an apology for what had wrongly attached doc trines; expression sympathy evils com mitted name across centuries, still being annm ted different sects, against followers other religions, especially Muslims; end, collection of information, preserved truth seekers About two sand years ago, before came, preceded by ''the voice crying wilderness Palestine say ing 'Prepare way Lord, paths straight And today, where living according His directed about complctdy lost, how 'crying in the spiritual wilderness' whole world needed ? Many many, faithful suffice The written researcher thinker Ahmed Abdel Wahab objective takes look methodical view through brought us picture, examines recounting several articles Various books Here pdf book, we hope you enjoy reading مقارنة الأديان مجاناً PDF اونلاين الدين المقارن هو أحد فروع دراسة التي تهتم بالموازنة المنظمة للعقائد والممارسات أديان العالم هذا ركن خاص بالكتب المجانيه مجال وما يتعلق بها

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs

the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs

ــ احمد عبدالوهاب

صدر 1985م
the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs

the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs

ــ احمد عبدالوهاب

صدر 1985م
عن كتاب the christ as seen in the sources of christian beliefs:
This book has the privilege to speak of Jesus Christ, pre.:eded by
thousands and thousands of books, and to be followed by still
many more.
This study basically stands on the vision of Christ as seen
through the sources of the Christian beliefs. It is therefore
reasonable to devote in the study of these Christian sources as
much concentration as is necessary and sufficient to the study of
the Christ himself.
It is mainly a compilation of studies and investigations relating to
the subject matter by some distinguished scholars of Christianity,
submitted to the readers who, surely, differ widely in their cultures
and interests.
Today's man lives in an age of enlightenmepts which boasts of
Mental Libration, and technological revolution, ... etc. The mind
of this age cannot accept dictated beliefs, or inherited dogma,
without proof.
Belief is, no doubt, a personal matter, but it is belief and
behaviour that determines man's future and eternal life. So it is the
ethical responsibility of scholars to make the result of their studies
available to those who have been swept off by the pressures of life to
enable them to think over their �elief s, in the light of the latest
religious studies.
Religious studies stand at the head of the investigations that
cannot stand without documentation and supporting proofs. That

is why so many testimonies are quoted from the studies and con-
clusions of the scholars of Christianity. Texts quoted are put bet-
ween quotation marks, as usual, so that the reader may easily

distinguish the scholar's sayings from those of the author.
Let it be mentioned at the outset that the author of this book
believes fully in Christ, and is one of his followers, as also of all the
prophets sent by God. He belitVes that the Christ is 'a word of God
conveyed to Mary' who miraculously conceived and borne him. He
is 'a spirit from God' - Son of man - a messenger of God - a


prophet like Moses - Teacher and Master - and the Prince of
He performed many miracles, signs of God; he healed many who
were sick with various diseases, cast out maizy demons, and revived
the dead.
He 'was a prophet mighty in deed and word bcf ore God and all
the people and a man approved of by God among the people for
perfonning miracles and wonders and signs, which God granted
At the beginning of his ministry he said : 'I am not sent but unto
the lost sheep of the house of Israel.• And at the end of his
ministry, he said : 'And this is eternal life, that they know thee the
only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.'
Lastly, let this book be an inducement to the study of the Christ's
teachings, 'Search the scriptures, they are they·which testify of me';

an apology for what had been wrongly attached to his true doc-
trines; and expression of sympathy with him for many evils com-
mitted in his name across the centuries, and are still being annm.it-
ted by different Christian sects, against followers of other religions,

especially the Muslims; and in the end, let this book be a collection

of information, preserved for the truth seekers. About two thou-
sand years ago, before the Christ came, he had been preceded by

''the voice of one crying in the wilderness - of Palestine - say-
ing : 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight ...

And today, where belief in God and living according to His
directed way are about to be complctdy lost, how many 'crying in
the spiritual wilderness' in the whole world are needed ?
Many and many, but some faithful of them may suffice.

The book is a book written by a researcher and thinker Ahmed Abdel Wahab in an objective way in which he takes a look at Jesus Christ, but a methodical view through the sources of Christian beliefs that brought us that picture, examines the truth of those sources about Christ by recounting his study in several articles Various books.
Here is a pdf book, we hope you enjoy reading.


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