📘 ❞ Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God ❝ كتاب ــ غلام محي الدين

مقارنة الأديان - 📖 كتاب ❞ Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God ❝ ــ غلام محي الدين 📖

█ _ غلام محي الدين 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or Word of God ❝ 2024 God: The topic chosen for this book is very challenging it requires vast knowledge of both Scriptures Christianity and Islam as 70% world’s population belongs to these two major religions Hence a scientific indepth analysis needed come conclusion: The comparative study will be based on following criteria : 1 Historical background 2 Comparison honoured personalities Jesus Prophet Muhammed (Peace upon them) 3 Analysis in terms moral social upliftment, the concept life after death, heaven, hell and resurrection etc 4 Qur’an which closer Modern Science? 5 Conclusion whether Copid the Word of (the Creator)? Unless we purposefully Books other religions, ourselves stand exposed dangers lurking ahead The various systems ethics, philosophy religion are fact record of vast divergence views such vital questions : Is there universe and, if so, He only One there many gods? What nature relationship between human being? Has made any arrangements guiding humanity not? Is man answerable an ultimate aim man’s creation and should man keep view throughout his salvation? Though the one Creator common all however most religions adopted Hero worship idol intermediary the Creator against accept given Bible, Deut 12:2 4 showing God’s ordinance destroy completely pagan shrines hew down idols their gods blot out names As the treats Old Testament record covenant with mankind and implications human society God’s expectation response I therefore request my readers own conclusion after reading find themselves way follow achieve salvation has purpose serve goal achieve, is the “Life Hereafter”(Eternal Life) For, unthinkable that should be created just live few years then get annihilated like animal world pray Allah (God Almighty) bless effort convey His message to fellow beings order save them fire this would key salvation As Christ (Pbuh) said: “Love your God Love your neighbour” I feel neighbour whole community mankind Note : This dedicated service unity world peace by Hyderabad Educational Foundation (A Non profit making organization) religions, kindly shed your conceived notions (if ) approach open and objective mind Book ? author مقارنة الأديان مجاناً PDF اونلاين المقارن هو أحد فروع دراسة التي تهتم بالموازنة المنظمة للعقائد والممارسات أديان العالم هذا ركن خاص بالكتب المجانيه مجال وما يتعلق بها

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God

Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God

ــ غلام محي الدين

Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God

Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God

ــ غلام محي الدين

عن كتاب Is The Quran copied from the Holy Bible or the Word of God:
The topic chosen for this book is very challenging it requires vast

of both the Holy Scriptures of Christianity and Islam as 70% of world’s
population belongs to these two major religions. Hence a scientific indepth
analysis is needed to come to a conclusion:
The comparative study will be based on the following criteria :
1. Historical background
2. Comparison of honoured personalities of both Jesus and Prophet
Muhammed (Peace be upon them)
3. Analysis of both Scriptures in terms of moral and social upliftment,
the concept of life after death, the concept of heaven, hell and
resurrection etc.
4. The Bible or Qur’an -- which is closer to Modern Science?
5. Conclusion whether the Qur’an is Copid from the Bible or the

of God (the Creator)?
Unless we purposefully study the Scriptures and Holy Books of other
religions, we ourselves stand exposed to the dangers lurking ahead.
The various systems of ethics, philosophy and religion are in fact a record
of the vast divergence of views on such vital questions such as :
Is there a God of the universe and, if so, is He the only One or are there
many gods? What is the nature of the relationship between God and human
being? Has He made any arrangements for guiding humanity or not? Is
man answerable to God or not? Is there an ultimate aim for man’s creation
and should man keep it in view throughout his life for salvation? Though
the concept of one Creator is common in all religions however most religions
adopted Hero-worship or idol-worship as intermediary to which the

Creator is against to accept such worship as given in the Holy Bible,
Deut. 12:2-4. showing God’s ordinance to destroy completely all the pagan
shrines to hew down the idols of their gods and blot out their names. As
the Bible treats Old

Testament as a record of God’s covenant with mankind
and the implications of the covenant on human life in society and God’s
expectation from humanity in response.
I therefore request my readers to come to their own conclusion after
reading this book and find for themselves which way to follow to achieve
The life of man has a purpose to serve and a goal to achieve, this goal is
the “Life Hereafter”(Eternal Life). For, it is unthinkable that man should
be created just to live for a few years and then get completely annihilated
like the animal world.
I pray to Allah (God Almighty) to bless my effort to convey His message
to my fellow human beings in order to save them from hell fire as this
would be my key to salvation. As Jesus Christ (Pbuh) said: “Love your
God and Love your neighbour” and I feel my neighbour is the whole
community of mankind.
Note : This book is dedicated as a service to humanity for unity and world
peace by Hyderabad Educational Foundation (A Non-profit making
organization) with a request to readers of all religions, kindly shed your
conceived notions (if any ) and approach this book with an open and
objective mind.

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