📘 ❞ مقدمة في التحليل الآلي ❝ كتاب ــ Dr. Ray A. Gross Jr اصدار 2005

كتب التكنولوجيا والعلم - 📖 ❞ كتاب مقدمة في التحليل الآلي ❝ ــ Dr. Ray A. Gross Jr 📖

█ _ Dr Ray A Gross Jr 2005 حصريا كتاب مقدمة التحليل الآلي 2024 الآلي: Preface Chemistry is not one of the formal disciplines known as forensic sciences However, many forensics scientists use chemistry part their daily routine For example, a combination gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC MS), two instrumental techniques that will be introduced in this course, was used recently by toxicologists1,2 to conduct analyses Our intent introduce you five instruments have wide applicability forensics field, as well other The focus course be on fundamental or basic laboratory analyses make our available You introduced rudimentary forensics analyses these with objective preparing for more advanced training an end point if your interests lie elsewhere Laboratory Schedule Lab Number Week # Activity 1 1 Introduction Gas Chromatography 2 2 Explorations Chromatography 3 3 Forensic Analysis Chromatography 4 4 Infrared Spectroscopy كتب التكنولوجيا والعلم مجاناً PDF اونلاين مصدر المعرفة التي تُكرَّس من أجل صناعة الأدوات ومُعالجة الأنشطة واستخراج الموادّ لعِلْـمُ هو بحث ظواهر معينة لبيان حقيقتها وعناصرها ونشأتها وتطورها ووظائفها وعلاقاتها وقوانينها وهو كل نوع العلوم والمعارف والأفكار والتطبيقات فى الكيمياء والفيزياء والجيولوجيا والرياضيات والأحياء تكنولوجيا المعلومات وعلم الحاسوب وعلاقة العلم بالتكنولوجيا Technology source knowledge devoted making tools, treating activities, extracting materials science It research specific phenomena show reality, elements, origins, evolution, functions, relationships, laws every kind science, knowledge, ideas, applications He wrote books chemistry, physics, geology, mathematics, biology, information technology, computer relationship technology

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مقدمة في التحليل الآلي

مقدمة في التحليل الآلي

ــ Dr. Ray A. Gross Jr

صدر 2005م
مقدمة في التحليل الآلي

مقدمة في التحليل الآلي

ــ Dr. Ray A. Gross Jr

صدر 2005م
عن كتاب مقدمة في التحليل الآلي:
Preface Chemistry is not one of the formal disciplines known as forensic sciences. However, many
forensics scientists use chemistry as part of their daily routine. For example, a combination of gas
chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS), two instrumental techniques that will be
introduced in this course, was used recently by toxicologists1,2 to conduct forensic analyses. Our
intent is to introduce you to five instruments that have wide applicability in the forensics field, as
well as in other disciplines. The focus of this course will be on fundamental or basic laboratory
analyses that make use of our available instruments. You will be introduced to rudimentary forensics
analyses that make use of these instruments with the objective of preparing you for more advanced
training or to be an end point if your interests lie elsewhere

Laboratory Schedule
Number Week # Activity
1 1 Introduction to Gas Chromatography
2 2 Explorations in Gas Chromatography
3 3 Forensic Analysis by Gas Chromatography
4 4 Introduction to Infrared Spectroscopy



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عدد الصفحات: 140.
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