📘 ❞ A Brief Guide to Islam ❝ كتاب ــ E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) اصدار 2017

كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية - 📖 كتاب ❞ A Brief Guide to Islam ❝ ــ E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) 📖

█ _ E Da`wah Committee (EDC) 2017 حصريا كتاب ❞ A Brief Guide to Islam ❝ 2024 Islam: A Islam Almighty Allah (Allah is the Arabic name of God) has chosen a man who been renowned for his uprightness, honesty, high moral standards and intelligence He sent down this man, Prophet Muhammad, divine message disseminate among people The included perfect integrated approach that regulates course life, tunes relationship between God creations, explains purposes existence helps lead pleasing way life It coherent comprehensive covers all aspects one’s interests sets aright human with other beings in universe This system revealed by God, Creator Who knows what good or bad His creation, be their This religion Islam, which Almighty sealed Messages Messengers mankind made it complete chose as says, “I have perfected you your completed My favor upon approved ” (Al Ma’idah 5:3) A Islam كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية مجاناً PDF اونلاين Islamic holy books are texts Muslims believe were authored via various prophets throughout humanity's history All these books, Muslim belief, promulgated code laws ordained those

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A Brief Guide to Islam

A Brief Guide to Islam

ــ E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

صدر 2017م
A Brief Guide to Islam

A Brief Guide to Islam

ــ E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

صدر 2017م
عن كتاب A Brief Guide to Islam:
A Brief Guide to Islam

Almighty Allah (Allah is the Arabic name of God) has chosen a man who has been renowned for his uprightness, honesty, high moral standards and intelligence. He sent down to this man, Prophet Muhammad, a divine message to disseminate among people. The message included a perfect integrated approach that regulates the course of life, tunes the relationship between God and creations, explains the purposes of existence and helps man lead a God-pleasing way of life. It is a coherent and comprehensive course that covers all aspects of one’s interests and sets aright the human relationship with other beings in the universe.

This system has been revealed by God, the Creator of man Who knows what is good or bad for His creation, to be their way of life. This religion is Islam, by which Almighty Allah sealed His Messages and Messengers to mankind. He made it perfect and complete and chose it for people as He says,

“I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” (Al-Ma’idah 5:3)
A Brief Guide to Islam


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