📘 ❞ Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation ❝ كتاب

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█ _ 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation ❝ 2024 Interpretation: Radiology P R I N C P L E S a n d T A O N by Stuart White DDS PhD (Author),‎ Michael J Pharoah DDS CONTENTS Part Physics of Ionizing Radiation, 1 1 Radiation Physics, 2 Part II Biologic Effects 17 2 Radiobiology, 18 Part III Safety Protection, 31 3 32 Part IV Imaging and Techniques, 45 4 Projection Geometry, 46 5 X Ray Film, Intensifying Screens, Grids, 53 6 Processing 65 7 Digital Imaging, 78 John B Ludlow André Mol 8 Radiographic Quality Assurance Infection Control, 100 9 Intraoral Examinations, 109 10 Normal Anatomy, 152 11 Panoramic 175 Alan G Lurie 12 Extraoral 191 Sotirios Tetradis Mel Kantor 13 Advanced 207 In collaboration with Neil Frederiksen 14 Cone Beam Computed Tomography, 225 William Scarfe Allan Farman 15 Guidelines for Prescribing Dental Radiographs, 244 Sharon Brooks Part V Interpretation, 255 16 256 17 Dental Caries, 270 Ann Wenzel 18 Periodontal Diseases, 282 Susanne Perschbacher 19 Anomalies, 295 Ernest W Lam 20 Infl ammatory Lesions the Jaws, 325 Linda Lee 21 Cysts Cystlike 343 22 Benign Tumors 366 23 Malignant Diseases 405 Robert Wood 24 Bone Manifested in 428 25 Systemic 454 26 Diagnostic Temporomandibular Joint, 473 C Grace Petrikowski 27 Paranasal Sinuses, 506 Axel Ruprecht Ernest Lam 28 Soft Tissue Calcifi cation Ossifi cation, 526 Laurie Carter 29 Trauma to Teeth Facial Structures, 541 Ernest Lam 30 Developmental Disturbances Face and Jaws, 562 Carol Anne Murdoch Kinch 31 Salivary Gland Radiology, 578 Byron Benson 32 Implants, 597 Byron Benson Vivek Shetty Index, 613 xiii كتب طب الأسنان مجاناً PDF اونلاين هو فرع من فروع الطب يختص بدراسة وتشخيص ومعالجة أمراض الفم والوجه والفكين والأسنان والأنسجة المحيطة بها والوقاية منها ويتفرع إلى العديد الاختصاصات يعتبر فنا وعلما أطباء أو جراحو هم المختصون تشخيص ووقاية وعلاج تجويف يساعد طبيب فريق داعم يوفر خدمات مثل استخدام التصوير الشعاعي وغيرها التقنيات لضمان صحيح وتخطيط للعلاج قد يشمل العلاج ملء تجاويف وإزالة أعصاب أثناء علاج الجذور اللثة قلع إذا استلزم الأمر واستبدال المفقودة بأطقم كثيرا ما يستخدم التخدير قبل الذي يسبب الألم يمكن بالذهب الفضة الخزف مزيج تدخل الأنسجة الرخوة للفم ضمن مجال أكثرها شيوعا

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Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation

Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation

Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation

Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation

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عن كتاب Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation:
Oral Radiology
a n d I N T E R P R E T A T I O N

by Stuart C. White DDS PhD (Author),‎ Michael J. Pharoah DDS

Part I Physics of Ionizing Radiation, 1
1 Radiation Physics, 2
Part II Biologic Effects of Radiation, 17
2 Radiobiology, 18
Part III Radiation Safety and Protection, 31
3 Radiation Safety and Protection, 32
Part IV Imaging Principles and
Techniques, 45
4 Projection Geometry, 46
5 X-Ray Film, Intensifying Screens, and Grids, 53
6 Processing X-Ray Film, 65
7 Digital Imaging, 78
John B. Ludlow and André Mol
8 Radiographic Quality Assurance and Infection
Control, 100
9 Intraoral Radiographic Examinations, 109
10 Normal Radiographic Anatomy, 152
11 Panoramic Imaging, 175
Alan G. Lurie
12 Extraoral Radiographic Examinations, 191
Sotirios Tetradis and Mel L. Kantor
13 Advanced Imaging, 207
In collaboration with Neil L. Frederiksen
14 Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, 225
William C. Scarfe and Allan G. Farman
15 Guidelines for Prescribing Dental
Radiographs, 244
Sharon L. Brooks
Part V Radiographic Interpretation, 255
16 Principles of Radiographic Interpretation, 256
17 Dental Caries, 270
Ann Wenzel
18 Periodontal Diseases, 282
Susanne Perschbacher
19 Dental Anomalies, 295
Ernest W.N. Lam
20 Infl ammatory Lesions of the Jaws, 325
Linda Lee
21 Cysts and Cystlike Lesions of the Jaws, 343
22 Benign Tumors of the Jaws, 366
23 Malignant Diseases of the Jaws, 405
Robert E. Wood
24 Diseases of Bone Manifested in the Jaws, 428
25 Systemic Diseases Manifested in the Jaws, 454
26 Diagnostic Imaging of the Temporomandibular
Joint, 473
C. Grace Petrikowski
27 Paranasal Sinuses, 506
Axel Ruprecht and Ernest W.N. Lam
28 Soft Tissue Calcifi cation and Ossifi cation, 526
Laurie C. Carter
29 Trauma to Teeth and Facial Structures, 541
Ernest W.N. Lam
30 Developmental Disturbances of the Face and
Jaws, 562
Carol Anne Murdoch-Kinch
31 Salivary Gland Radiology, 578
Byron W. Benson
32 Dental Implants, 597
Byron W. Benson and Vivek Shetty
Index, 613


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