📘 ❞ Color Atlas of Dental Medicine ❝ كتاب اصدار 2005

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█ _ 2005 حصريا كتاب Color Atlas of Dental Medicine 2024 Medicine: Medicine Editors: Klaus H Rateitschak and Herbert E Wolf Endodontology Rudolf Beer, Michael A B aumann, and Syngcuk Kim Translated by Richard Jacobi, D S Belton, TX, U 1533 Illustrations Thieme Stuttgart New York 2000 Authors' Addresses Editors' Addresses Rudolf , Ph Kim, Rateitschak, Dentist in Private Practice M Phil Institute, Center for Medicine Essen, Germany Professor Chairman University Basle School Hebelstr 3, 4056 Basle, Switzerland Michael Baumann, Department Endodontics D Pennsylvania F Wolf, Department Philadelphia, PA, USA Practitioner Conservative Dentistry Specialist Periodontics SSP Oral Maxillofacial Clinic Lowenstrasse 55, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland University Cologne Cologne, Germany Library Congress Cataloging " Important Note: is an Publication Data In the Series Medicine" ever changing science undergoing continual development Research Beer, R (Rudolf) [Endodontologie clinical experience are contin English] Endodontology Rudolf K & ually expanding our knowledge, in Beer, T Hassell particular knowledge proper Syngcuk Kim ; translated by Richard * Periodontolo 2nd edition treatment drug therapy Insofar Jacobi [illustrations Albrecht gy, as this book mentions any dosage or Ruech] p cm (Color atlas application, readers may rest assured dental medicine) Includes biblio Geering, Kundert, C Kelsey that authors, editors, pubgraphical references index lishers have made every effort to ISBN 3 13 116461 1 (hardcover : • Complete Denture Overdenture ensure such references in GTV) ISBN 0 86577 856 6 Prosthetics accordance with state knowll Endodontics Atlases edge at time production of 2 Root canal 1 11 G Graber Nevertheless does not Syngcuk 111 Title IV Removable Partial Dentures volve, imply, or express guarantee [DNLM: Pulp Diseases responsibility on part the Atlases 2 Canal Therapy publishers respect dosage instrumentation Pasler instructions forms application Canal methods stated Every user is WU 17 B415e 1999] RK 351 B4413 Radiology requested to examine carefully the 1999 617 6'342 dc21 DNLM DLC manufacturers' leaflets accompanyfor Library 99 28377 ing each check, if neces CIP Rakosi, I Jonas, sary consultation a physician Orthodontic Diagnosis specialist, whether dosage Illustrations schedules mentioned therein the Albrecht Ruech, Spay contraindications the H Spiekermann manufacturers differ from This book, including all parts Implantology ments present thereof, legally protected Such examination particularly copyright Any use, exploitation, important drugs either commercialization outside Sailer, Pajarola rarely used been newly narrow limits set copyright Oral Surgery General Dentist released market Every legislation, without publisher's schedule form of consent, illegal liable to application entirely the prosecution This applies particu user's own risk lar photostat reproduction, copy The authors request ing, mimeographing duplication report publishers of kind, translating, preparation any discrepancies inaccuracies of microfilms, electronic data noticed processing storage Some product names, and registered designs This an authorized transla patents referred fact tion German published and copyrighted 1997 Georg registered trademarks proprietary Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, names even though specific refer Title edition: ence fact always made Endodontologie in text Therefore, appearance of name designation as © 1999 Georg Thieme Rudi proprietary be construed as gerstr 14, 70469 representation publisher Thieme York, 333 Seventh it public domain Avenue, N Y 10001 USA Typesetting Miiller, Heilbronn Printed Germany by Grammlich, Pliezhausen ISBN (GTV) ISBN (TNY) 3 In recent years was rapidly accelerated few completely new techniques finding inthe introduction rotating instruments nickel creasing usage potential change undertitanium alloys With these root standing of, approach to, endodontic For system can prepared more efficiently, predict example, diagnosis complemented true senably, more precisely, greater conservation sitivity testing through laser Doppler measurements tooth structure than before Continuing perfection Use magnetic resonance produce imthe alloys improvements cutting designs, ages microscopic range would open way a along reliance fixed ISO standards taper three dimensional reproduction endodontium and lengths, contributed vigorous ionizing radiation conventional radioadvancement in field graphs, perhaps will reveal histopatho Gutta percha, now before, considered mate logic condition pulp tissue rial choice, very good results achieved with using wide thermoplastic filling Unlike textbooks, endodonmethods tology covers large number cases in The apicoectomy has redefined their entirety extensive use illustrations, through ultrasonic device microinstru demonstrates practical interchangeability the ments under surgical microscope, making presented Through familiar step step possible operate precisely less manner presentation proven so effective in sacrifice tooth previous Medicine, prac operating microscope already commanded ticing dentist provided convenient guide an place itself that, since I999, all postgraduate courses dental schools made its mandatory adds Essen, Cologne, Philadelphia, a measure sureness, precision, quality, summer I999 efficiency presence four canals Beer, maxillary molars recognized frequent Baumann, ly, many complications (e g fractures instru Kim ments) avoided, removal posts newly introduced facilitated, monitoring of progress simpler V Preface Colour atlases often seen 'coffee table publications' medical literature certainly here volume could comfortably grace finest coffee tables world third critically acclaimed which revised updated second appeared 1989 It also considerably extended 200 extra pages make total 530 Indeed, description 'colour atlas' greatly undersells includes sizeable sections accompany wonderful illustrations photographs كتب طب الأسنان مجاناً PDF اونلاين هو فرع من فروع الطب يختص بدراسة وتشخيص ومعالجة أمراض الفم والوجه والفكين والأسنان والأنسجة المحيطة بها والوقاية منها ويتفرع إلى العديد الاختصاصات يعتبر فنا وعلما أطباء أو جراحو هم المختصون تشخيص ووقاية وعلاج تجويف يساعد طبيب فريق داعم يوفر خدمات مثل استخدام التصوير الشعاعي وغيرها التقنيات لضمان صحيح وتخطيط للعلاج قد يشمل العلاج ملء تجاويف وإزالة أعصاب أثناء علاج الجذور اللثة قلع إذا استلزم الأمر واستبدال المفقودة بأطقم كثيرا ما يستخدم التخدير قبل الذي يسبب الألم يمكن بالذهب الفضة الخزف مزيج تدخل الأنسجة الرخوة للفم ضمن مجال أكثرها شيوعا

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine

Color Atlas of Dental Medicine

صدر 2005م
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine

Color Atlas of Dental Medicine

صدر 2005م
عن كتاب Color Atlas of Dental Medicine:
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine
Editors: Klaus H. Rateitschak and Herbert E Wolf

Rudolf Beer, Michael A. B aumann,
and Syngcuk Kim
Translated by
Richard Jacobi, D. D. S.
Belton, TX, U.S.A.
1533 Illustrations
Stuttgart . New York . 2000

Authors' Addresses Editors' Addresses
Rudolf Beer, D. D. S., Ph. D. Syngcuk Kim, D. D. S., Klaus H. Rateitschak, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Dentist in Private Practice M. Phil., Ph. D. Dental Institute, Center for Dental Medicine
Essen, Germany Professor and Chairman University of Basle
School of Dental Medicine Hebelstr. 3, 4056 Basle, Switzerland
Michael A. Baumann, Department of Endodontics
D. D. S., Ph. D. University of Pennsylvania Herbert F. Wolf, D.D.S.
Department of Philadelphia, PA, USA Private Practitioner
Conservative Dentistry Specialist of Periodontics SSP
Oral and Maxillofacial Clinic Lowenstrasse 55, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
University of Cologne
Cologne, Germany
Library of Congress Cataloging-in- " " Important Note: Medicine is an
Publication Data In the Series Color Atlas of Dental Medicine" ever-changing science undergoing
continual development. Research
Beer, R. (Rudolf) [Endodontologie. and clinical experience are contin-
English] Endodontology/Rudolf K.H. & E.M. Rateitschak, H.F. Wolf, ually expanding our knowledge, in
Beer, Michael A. Baumann, and T.M. Hassell particular our knowledge of proper
Syngcuk Kim ; translated by Richard * Periodontolo , 2nd edition treatment and drug therapy. Insofar
Jacobi ; [illustrations by Albrecht gy, as this book mentions any dosage or
Ruech]. p. cm. - (Color atlas of application, readers may rest assured
dental medicine) Includes biblio- A.H. Geering, M. Kundert, C. Kelsey that the authors, editors, and pubgraphical
references and index. lishers have made every effort to
ISBN 3-13-116461-1 (hardcover : • Complete Denture and Overdenture ensure that such references are in
GTV). - ISBN 0-86577-856-6 Prosthetics accordance with the state of knowll.
Endodontics Atlases. edge at the time of production of
2. Root canal therapy Atlases. the book.
1. Baumann, Michael A. 11. Kim, G. Graber Nevertheless this does not in-
Syngcuk. 111. Title. IV. Series. Removable Partial Dentures volve, imply, or express any guarantee
[DNLM: 1. Dental Pulp Diseases or responsibility on the part of the
Atlases. 2. Root Canal Therapy- publishers in respect of any dosage
instrumentation Atlases. 3. Root F.A. Pasler instructions and forms of application
Canal Therapy-methods Atlases. stated in the book. Every user is
WU 17 B415e 1999] RK 351.B4413 • Radiology requested to examine carefully the
1999 617.6'342-dc21 DNLM/DLC manufacturers' leaflets accompanyfor
Library of Congress 99-28377 ing each drug and to check, if neces-
CIP T. Rakosi, I. Jonas, T.M. Graber sary in consultation with a physician
Orthodontic Diagnosis or specialist, whether the dosage
Illustrations by schedules mentioned therein or the
Albrecht Ruech, Spay contraindications stated by the
H. Spiekermann manufacturers differ from the state-
This book, including all parts * Implantology ments made in the present book.
thereof, is legally protected by Such examination is particularly
copyright. Any use, exploitation, or important with drugs that are either
commercialization outside the H. F. Sailer, G. F. Pajarola rarely used or have been newly
narrow limits set by copyright * Oral Surgery for the General Dentist released on the market. Every
legislation, without the publisher's dosage schedule or every form of
consent, is illegal and liable to
application used is entirely at the
prosecution. This applies in particu- R. Beer, M. A. Baumann, S. Kim user's own risk and responsibility.
lar to photostat reproduction, copy-
The authors and publishers request
ing, mimeographing or duplication * Endodontology every user to report to the publishers
of any kind, translating, preparation
any discrepancies or inaccuracies
of microfilms, and electronic data
processing and storage
Some of the product names,
and registered designs
This book is an authorized transla- patents referred to in this book are in fact
tion of the German edition published
and copyrighted 1997 by Georg
registered trademarks or proprietary
Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
names even though specific refer-
Title of the German edition:
ence to this fact is not always made
in the text. Therefore, the appearance
of a name without designation as
© 1999 Georg Thieme Verlag, Rudi- proprietary is not to be construed as
gerstr. 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany a representation by the publisher
Thieme New York, 333 Seventh that it is in the public domain.
Avenue, New York, N.Y 10001 USA
Typesetting by G. Miiller, Heilbronn
Printed in Germany
by K. Grammlich, Pliezhausen
ISBN 3-13-116461-1 (GTV)
ISBN 0-86577-856-6 (TNY) 1 2 3

In recent years development was rapidly accelerated by A few completely new techniques that are finding inthe
introduction of rotating instruments made of nickel- creasing usage have the potential to change our undertitanium
alloys. With these instruments the root canal standing of, and approach to, endodontic treatment. For
system can be prepared more efficiently, more predict- example, diagnosis may be complemented by true senably,
more precisely, and with greater conservation of sitivity testing through laser Doppler measurements.
tooth structure than before. Continuing perfection of Use of magnetic resonance techniques to produce imthe
alloys and new improvements in cutting designs, ages in the microscopic range would open the way to a
along with reliance on the fixed ISO standards of taper three-dimensional reproduction of the endodontium
and cutting lengths, have contributed to vigorous without the ionizing radiation of conventional radioadvancement
in the field. graphs, and perhaps will even reveal the histopatho-
-Gutta-percha, now as before, is considered the mate- logic condition of the pulp tissue.
rial of choice, and very good results can be achieved
with it using a wide range of thermoplastic filling Unlike conventional textbooks, this atlas of endodonmethods.
tology covers a large number of endodontic cases in
-The apicoectomy has been completely redefined their entirety through the extensive use of illustrations,
through the use of ultrasonic device and microinstru- and demonstrates the practical interchangeability of the
ments under the surgical microscope, making it methods presented. Through the familiar step-by-step
possible to operate more precisely and with less manner of presentation that has proven so effective in
sacrifice of tooth structure. previous Color Atlases of Dental Medicine, the prac-
-The operating microscope has already commanded ticing dentist is provided with a convenient guide.
an important place for itself in that, since I999, all
postgraduate courses in dental schools have made
its use mandatory. This adds to endodontic treatment Essen, Cologne, and Philadelphia,
a greater measure of sureness, precision, quality, and in the summer of I999
efficiency. The presence of four or more canals in Rudolf Beer,
maxillary molars will be recognized more frequent- Michael A. Baumann,
ly, many complications (e.g., fractures of instru- and Syngcuk Kim
ments) will be avoided, removal of posts with newly
introduced instruments will be facilitated, and monitoring
of treatment progress will be made simpler.

Colour atlases are often seen as the 'coffee table publications' of the medical and dental literature and certainly here is a volume that could comfortably grace the finest coffee tables of the world. This is the third edition of a critically acclaimed book which has been revised and updated since the second edition appeared in 1989. It has also been considerably extended by 200 extra pages to make a total of 530. Indeed, even the description 'colour atlas' greatly undersells this book, which includes sizeable text sections to accompany the wonderful illustrations and clinical photographs.



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