█ _ 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Synthesis of 3 substituted 8 hydroxy 3,4 dihydroisocoumarins ❝ 2024 dihydroisocoumarins: 3substituted 8hydroxy3,4dihydroisocoumarins من كتب علمية Synthesis dihydroisocoumarins تأليف: Naruki Tahara, Tsutomu Fukuda and Masatomo Iwao via successive lateral ortho lithiations of 4,4 dimethyl 2 (o tolyl)oxazoline Naruki Iwao* Department Applied Chemistry, Faculty Engineering, Nagasaki University, 1 14 Bunkyo machi, 852 8521, Japan Received April 2004;revised 26 2004;accepted 28 2004 Abstract—Sequential treatment tolyl)oxazoline in THF with sec BuLi, aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes, BuLi, B(OMe)3, H2O2 produced the laterally alkylated hydroxylated oxazolines one pot Treatment these products TFA aqueous provided 44–75% overall yields This procedure allowed short synthesis (±) hydrangenol phyllodulcin, naturally occurring of pharmacological interest A more economical phyllodulcin via trianion intermediate is also described 2004 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved Directed lithiation most powerful method for regioselective functionalization rings The reagent controlled optional site selective is especially interesting this field from mechanistic and practical points view Recently, we have reported that tolyl)oxazolines (1a–c) can be lithiated at position selectively depending on reaction conditions (Scheme 1) Thus, the were deprotonated acidic lateral methyl group BuLi Et2O )78 C, whereas they lithiated less acidic position with presence TMEDA The latter unusual was rationalized by the unfavorable steric interaction between the methyl groups oxazoline ring transition state for 3 The constitute a class natural products, which exhibit wide range pharmacological activities such as antifungal,4a antiulcer,4b antileukemic,4c antiallergic,4d differentiation inducing,4e and antimalarial4f activities Structurally, these natural products possess an aryl alkyl substituent at C C isocoumarin core The syntheses type dihydroisocoumarins have been achieved efficiently by N O sec Et2O, 78 °C, h sec TMEDA, h lateral lithiation ortho lithiation X 1a: X=H 1b: X=OMe 1c: X=Cl N O X Li O مجاناً PDF اونلاين الطريقة العلمية أو المنهج العلمي الثقافة عبارة عن مجموعة التقنيات والطرق المصممة لفحص الظواهر والمعارف المكتشفة المراقبة حديثا من ضمن محتويات القسم : العلماء , أحيائية, بيئية لا خيالية, رياضيات, طب, علم والكثير