█ _ 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Study of design methodologies steel column bases ❝ 2025 bases: © 2018 IBRACON Volume 11, Number 7 (February 2018) p 203 – 243 ISSN 1983 4195 http: dx doi org 10 1590 S1983 41952018000100011 Study bases Estudo de metodologias para o dimensionamento pilares aço a Centro Tecnológico, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES, Brasil Received: 18 Dec 2015 • Accepted: 20 Jun 2017 Available Online: 15 Feb This is an open access article distributed under the terms Creative Commons Attribution License I PIANA a piana iza@gmail com A F G CALENZANI a afcalenzani@gmail com Abstract Resumo The behavior a structure directly related to type base used in columns, which essential stability and security structural system The Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 8800:2008 does not covers this subject Another standard, 16239:2013, presents limited procedure hollow columns In paper, two are presented considering uniform triangular pressure distribution between plate concrete surface A computational program has been developed both mentioned validated with manually solved examples conclusions about procedures were made from 200 designed by It was noted that, for distribution, there interval completely applicable Apart interval, no significant difference results Keywords: plates, methodologies, O comportamento uma estrutura em aço está diretamente relacionado ao tipo utilizada nos pilares, sendo esta essencial à estabilidade e segurança sistema estrutural não aborda esse assunto 16239:2013 apresenta formulações somente tubulares Neste trabalho, são apresentadas duas que consideram as hipóteses distribuição tensões contato uniforme linear entre placa concreto Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido dimensionar considerando essas O validado com exemplos resolvidos manualmente foram dimensionadas análise das Foi detectada existência um intervalo qual metodologia considera é apropriada Fora deste intervalo, observou se pouca divergência os resultados Palavras chave: aço, dimensionamento, الهندسة المدنية مجاناً PDF اونلاين قسم خاص بكتب للتحميل مجال وهي أحد فروع والمعنية بدراسة وتصميم وتحليل المنشآت المختلفة كالأبنية السكنية والخدمية والطرق والجسور والأنفاق والمطارات والموانئ وشبكات إمداد مياه الشرب ومحطات ضخ المياه الصرف الصحي التنقية ومعالجة والسدود وكذلك مشاريع الري والإشراف عمل هذا أثناء فترة استمرارها لذا لا يجوز حصر العلم بأنه المعني بالتصميم وحده فقط وهي كأي علم تتطور باستمرار ودون توقف وفي الآونة الحديثة ترابطت مع التطور الصناعي بشكل كبير لإنتاج مواد إنشائية جديدة ومتطورة تفي بالمتطلبات التي تكون دائما متزايدة من المجتمع A special section books civil engineering that one branches concerned studying, designing analyzing various installations such residential service buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, ports, drinking water supply networks, pumping stations, sewage purification treatment dams, well irrigation projects, supervising work Establishments during period their continuation, so it permissible limit flag alone