📘 ❞ Barking Mad ❝ رواية ــ روبير سوليه اصدار 2023

قصص وروايات عالمية - 📖 رواية ❞ Barking Mad ❝ ــ روبير سوليه 📖

█ _ روبير سوليه 2023 حصريا رواية ❞ Barking Mad ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Mad: The Author has written a book which provides warts and all account of his amazing provocative life from 1959 to 2023, taking you in the highly secretive world successful, skilled undercover operative for United Kingdom He deployed on operations around globe, targeting anyone who by their criminal activity was having detrimental impact British society In recounting story, he changed some locations details protect innocent parties If annoyed anybody writing this book, including police criminals alike, makes no apologies that absolutely regrets life, if lived it again, would do everything with same passion recognise yourself as been subjected an operation involving Author, now feel aggrieved, advice is let go It never personal him; only business Indeed, liked number people infiltrated, them even more than friends; but choose be criminally active at high level, must accept infiltration occupational hazard past, there have contracts put Author's head organisations like think they expired, haven't someone decides come looking him exact form revenge, make sure kill fail that, rest assured Mrs Glock 19 handgun her babies will out retirement visit your family won't pretty Jack McMad not dead; he's just hibernation قصص وروايات عالمية مجاناً PDF اونلاين القصص هي نقل الأحداث بالكلمات والصور وغالباً ما يكون ذلك ارتجالاً أو بتجميل تشارك القصة الثقافات المختلفة كوسيلة ترفيه تعليم لحفظ التراث الثقافي وغرس القيم المعنوية العناصر الحاسمة ورواية الشخصيات الخيالية والحبكة ووجهات النظر الأدبية رواية تسبق الكتابة فقد كانت الأشكال الأولى لرواية عبارة شفوية مع الإيماءات والتعابير الجسدية كما أنها جزءاً من الطقوس الدينية؛ اعتبر الفن الصخري شكل أشكال عدد القديمة رسم سكان أستراليا الأصليون رموزاً جدران الكهوف كوسائل لمساعدة الرواة تذكر ثم رويت بعد باستخدم مزيج السرد الشفوي والموسيقى والفن والرقص وقد ساعد هذا الأسلوب فهم معنى الوجود الإنساني خلال وروايتها استخدم الإنسان وسيلة النحت جذوع الأشجار الحية ووسائل أخرى سريعة الزوال (كالرمل وأوراق الأشجار) لتسجيل الصور والكتابة استخدمت أشكالاً معقدة كالوشم معلومات الأنساب والانتماءات والوضع الاجتماعي مع ظهور واستخدام وسائل اتصال ثابتة ومحمولة أصبح تسجيل والكتب ومشاركتها عبر مناطق العالم أسهل نحتت ونقشت ورسمت وطبعت وكتبت بالحبر الخشب والخيزران والعاج والعظام والفخار وألواح الصلصال والحجر النخيل والجلد والورق والحرير وقماش وسجلت أفلام وخزنت إلكترونياً بصورة رقمية لا تزال الشفوية عالقة بالذاكرة وانتقلت جيل إلى الرغم ازدياد شعبية الإعلام المكتوبة والمتلفزة كثير أنحاء

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Barking Mad

Barking Mad

ــ روبير سوليه

صدرت 2023م
Barking Mad

Barking Mad

ــ روبير سوليه

صدرت 2023م
عن رواية Barking Mad:
The Author has written a book which provides a warts and all account of his amazing and provocative life from 1959 to 2023, taking you in the highly secretive world of a successful, skilled undercover operative for the United Kingdom. He deployed on operations around the globe, targeting anyone who by their criminal activity was having a detrimental impact on British society.In recounting his story, he has changed some locations and details to protect innocent parties.

If he has annoyed anybody in his writing of this book, including police and criminals alike, he makes no apologies for that. He has absolutely no regrets in his life, and if he lived it again, he would do everything with the same passion.If you recognise yourself as having been subjected to an undercover operation involving this Author, and you now feel aggrieved, his advice to you is to let it go.

It was never personal for him; it was only business. Indeed, the Author liked a number of the people he infiltrated, some of them even more than his personal friends; but if you choose to be criminally active at a high level, you must accept infiltration as an occupational hazard.In the past, there have been contracts put on the Author's head by criminal organisations.

He would like to think that they have by now expired, but if they haven't and someone decides to come looking for him to exact some form of revenge, make sure you kill him. If you fail to do that, rest assured Mrs Glock 19 handgun and her babies will come out of retirement with him to visit you and your family... and it won't be pretty.Mad Jack McMad is not dead; he's just in hibernation.


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