📘 ❞ The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates ❝ رواية ــ أوسكار وايلد اصدار 2020

قصص وروايات عالمية - 📖 رواية ❞ The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates ❝ ــ أوسكار وايلد 📖

█ _ أوسكار وايلد 2020 حصريا رواية ❞ The Oscar Wilde Collection: Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House Pomegranates ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Pomegranates: This collection works by the great Irish author includes his most famous novel, an intimate memoir written from prison, four delightful fairy tales Infatuated with own youth beauty, Gray wishes that portrait would grow old instead him When wish comes true, both age sins are recorded on canvas Freed physical toll wrongdoings, turns friends drives lover to suicide, all in pursuit pleasure To society, he remains handsome glowing In painting, is hideous But only one these images can be real 1891, began affair Lord Alfred Douglas, known as Bosie Taken court Bosie’s father, was sent prison for “gross indecency”—and wrote this stunning autobiographical work cell Detailing wrongs done family, also traces spiritual growth while imprisoned, transforming hardship into art presents Wilde’s darkly enchanting “The Young King,” a shepherd’s son finds himself next line throne dwarf performs Spanish princess Birthday Infanta ” Fisherman His Soul,” man faces terrible choice after falling love mermaid And arrogant young boy, who believes actual star, learns bitter lesson when brought down earth Star Child ” قصص وروايات عالمية مجاناً PDF اونلاين القصص هي نقل الأحداث بالكلمات والصور وغالباً ما يكون ذلك ارتجالاً أو بتجميل تشارك القصة الثقافات المختلفة كوسيلة ترفيه تعليم لحفظ التراث الثقافي وغرس القيم المعنوية العناصر الحاسمة ورواية الشخصيات الخيالية والحبكة ووجهات النظر الأدبية رواية تسبق الكتابة فقد كانت الأشكال الأولى لرواية عبارة شفوية مع الإيماءات والتعابير الجسدية كما أنها جزءاً من الطقوس الدينية؛ اعتبر الفن الصخري شكل أشكال عدد القديمة رسم سكان أستراليا الأصليون رموزاً جدران الكهوف كوسائل لمساعدة الرواة تذكر ثم رويت بعد باستخدم مزيج السرد الشفوي والموسيقى والفن والرقص وقد ساعد هذا الأسلوب فهم معنى الوجود الإنساني خلال وروايتها استخدم الإنسان وسيلة النحت جذوع الأشجار الحية ووسائل أخرى سريعة الزوال (كالرمل وأوراق الأشجار) لتسجيل الصور والكتابة استخدمت أشكالاً معقدة كالوشم معلومات الأنساب والانتماءات والوضع الاجتماعي مع ظهور واستخدام وسائل اتصال ثابتة ومحمولة أصبح تسجيل والكتب ومشاركتها عبر مناطق العالم أسهل نحتت ونقشت ورسمت وطبعت وكتبت بالحبر الخشب والخيزران والعاج والعظام والفخار وألواح الصلصال والحجر النخيل والجلد والورق والحرير وقماش وسجلت أفلام وخزنت إلكترونياً بصورة رقمية لا تزال الشفوية عالقة بالذاكرة وانتقلت جيل إلى الرغم ازدياد شعبية الإعلام المكتوبة والمتلفزة كثير أنحاء

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The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates

The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates

ــ أُوسْكَارْ وَايْلِدْ

صدرت 2020م
The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates

The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates

ــ أُوسْكَارْ وَايْلِدْ

صدرت 2020م
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عن رواية The Oscar Wilde Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, De Profundis, and A House of Pomegranates:
This collection of works by the great Irish author includes his most famous novel, an intimate memoir written from prison, and four delightful fairy tales. The Picture of Dorian Infatuated with his own youth and beauty, Dorian Gray wishes that his portrait would grow old instead of him. When his wish comes true, both his age and his sins are recorded on the canvas.

Freed from the physical toll of his wrongdoings, Dorian turns on his friends and drives his lover to suicide, all in the pursuit of pleasure. To society, he remains handsome and glowing. In the painting, he is hideous. But only one of these images can be real.

De In 1891, Oscar Wilde began an affair with Lord Alfred Douglas, known to his friends as Bosie. Taken to court by Bosie’s father, Wilde was sent to prison for “gross indecency”—and wrote this stunning autobiographical work from his cell. Detailing the wrongs done to him by Bosie and his family, Wilde also traces his spiritual growth while imprisoned, transforming his hardship into art.

A House of This collection presents four of Wilde’s darkly enchanting fairy tales. In “The Young King,” a shepherd’s son finds himself next in line for the throne. A dwarf performs for a Spanish princess in “The Birthday of the Infanta.” In “The Fisherman and His Soul,” a man faces a terrible choice after falling in love with a mermaid.

And an arrogant young boy, who believes he is the son of an actual star, learns a bitter lesson when he is brought down to earth in “The Star-Child.”


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