📘 ❞ Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors ❝ قصة ــ وليم هوب هودسون اصدار 2017

قصص وروايات عالمية - 📖 قصة ❞ Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors ❝ ــ وليم هوب هودسون 📖

█ _ وليم هوب هودسون 2017 حصريا قصة ❞ Carnacki the Ghost Finder, The Voice in Night, and Other Horrors ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2025 Horrors: Best Weird Fiction & Stories of William Hope Hodgson (Oldstyle Tales Mystery, Horror Hauntings) One leading names classic weird fiction, remains an influential powerful storyteller, remembered chiefly for his nautical horror stories occult detective, finder Hodgson's career cut off prematurely World War One was extensive elaborate, this book contains cream crop: Sargasso Sea Mythos, a broad selection best maritime stories, printings lesser known strange tales (including Baumoff Explosive Goddess Death), five most striking cases, excerpts from two elaborate supernatural novels Illustrated annotated, these include episodes fantasy, science horror, mystery: floating stone ships, derelicts teeming with man eating rats, ghost pirates, mutant weed men, carnivorous trees, parasitic fungi, were sharks (you read that right), ship heartbeat, cursed room whistles night, castaway who refuses to let hideous face be seen, freakish mutations, deadly bloodthirsty octopi, demonic hogs, more fiction reveals level anguished vulnerability blends cynical realism fantastic romanticism, creating borderland liminal doorway brings anxieties every day into contact fantasias nightmarish landscapes choked Sea, steaming South Pacific, Irish manor houses, derelict ships act as borderlands whereby uncomfortable thoughts existential pangs can enter our world haunt infect it illustrated, annotated included unique anthology mystery are among will not fail disturb, amuse, inhabit your imagination TALES INCLUDED ANNOTATED EDITION: Grey Seas Dreaming My Death "Shamraken" Homeward Bounder Out Storm From Tideless Further News "Homebird" Thing Weeds Finding "Graiken" A Tropical Mystery Derelict Stone Ship Demons Haunted "Pampero" Excerpts: Boats Glenn Carrig Pirates Night Valley Lost Children Terror Water Tank Gateway Monster Horse Invisible Searcher End House Whistling Room Hog قصص وروايات عالمية مجاناً PDF اونلاين رواية القصص هي نقل الأحداث بالكلمات والصور وغالباً ما يكون ذلك ارتجالاً أو بتجميل تشارك القصة الثقافات المختلفة كوسيلة ترفيه تعليم لحفظ التراث الثقافي وغرس القيم المعنوية العناصر الحاسمة ورواية الشخصيات الخيالية والحبكة ووجهات النظر الأدبية رواية تسبق الكتابة فقد كانت الأشكال الأولى لرواية عبارة شفوية مع الإيماءات والتعابير الجسدية كما أنها جزءاً من الطقوس الدينية؛ اعتبر الفن الصخري شكل أشكال عدد القديمة رسم سكان أستراليا الأصليون رموزاً جدران الكهوف كوسائل لمساعدة الرواة تذكر ثم رويت بعد باستخدم مزيج السرد الشفوي والموسيقى والفن والرقص وقد ساعد هذا الأسلوب فهم معنى الوجود الإنساني خلال وروايتها استخدم الإنسان وسيلة النحت جذوع الأشجار الحية ووسائل أخرى سريعة الزوال (كالرمل وأوراق الأشجار) لتسجيل الصور والكتابة استخدمت أشكالاً معقدة كالوشم معلومات الأنساب والانتماءات والوضع الاجتماعي مع ظهور واستخدام وسائل اتصال ثابتة ومحمولة أصبح تسجيل والكتب ومشاركتها عبر مناطق العالم أسهل نحتت ونقشت ورسمت وطبعت وكتبت بالحبر الخشب والخيزران والعاج والعظام والفخار وألواح الصلصال والحجر النخيل والجلد والورق والحرير وقماش وسجلت أفلام وخزنت إلكترونياً بصورة رقمية لا تزال الشفوية عالقة بالذاكرة وانتقلت جيل إلى الرغم ازدياد شعبية الإعلام المكتوبة والمتلفزة كثير أنحاء

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Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors

Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors

ــ وليم هوب هودسون

صدرت 2017م
Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors

Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors

ــ وليم هوب هودسون

صدرت 2017م
وليم هوب هودسون ✍️ المؤلف
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عن قصة Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors:
Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors: The Best Weird Fiction & Ghost Stories of William Hope Hodgson (Oldstyle Tales ... Mystery, Horror and Hauntings)

One of the leading names in classic weird fiction, William Hope Hodgson remains an influential and powerful storyteller, remembered chiefly for his nautical horror stories and for his occult detective, Carnacki the Ghost-finder. Hodgson's career - cut off prematurely in World War One - was extensive and elaborate, and this book contains the cream of the crop: the Sargasso Sea Mythos, a broad selection of his best maritime horror stories, printings of his lesser known strange tales (including The Baumoff Explosive and The Goddess of Death), five of the most striking Carnacki cases, and excerpts from two of his elaborate supernatural novels.

Illustrated and annotated, these stories include episodes of fantasy, science fiction, horror, and mystery: floating stone ships, derelicts teeming with man-eating rats, ghost pirates, mutant weed men, carnivorous trees, parasitic fungi, were-sharks (you read that right), a ship with a heartbeat, a cursed room that whistles in the night, a castaway who refuses to let his hideous face be seen, freakish mutations, deadly ghost ships, bloodthirsty octopi, demonic hogs, and more. Hodgson's fiction reveals a level of anguished vulnerability that blends the cynical realism with fantastic romanticism, creating a borderland - a liminal doorway - that brings the anxieties of the every-day into contact with the fantasias of the nightmarish.

The landscapes of his fiction - the weed-choked Sargasso Sea, the steaming South Pacific, Irish manor houses, derelict ghost ships - act as borderlands whereby these uncomfortable thoughts and existential pangs can enter into our world - to haunt and infect it. The illustrated, annotated stories included in this unique anthology - stories of fantasy, science fiction, horror, and mystery - are among Hodgson's best and will not fail to disturb, amuse, and inhabit your imagination. TALES INCLUDED in this ANNOTATED EDITION: The Grey Seas are Dreaming of My Death - The "Shamraken" Homeward-Bounder - Out of the Storm - From the Tideless Sea - Further News from the "Homebird" - The Thing in the Weeds - The Finding of the "Graiken" - A Tropical Horror - The Mystery of the Derelict - The Derelict - The Stone Ship - Demons of the Sea - The Haunted "Pampero" - Excerpts: The Boats of the Glenn Carrig - Excerpts: The Ghost Pirates - The Voice in the Night - The Baumoff Explosive - The Goddess of Death - The Valley of Lost Children - The Terror of the Water Tank - The Gateway of the Monster - The Horse of the Invisible - The Searcher of the End House - The Whistling Room - The Hog


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229 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9781544841632 .