📘 ❞ Sueños de mala muerte ❝ كتاب ــ خوسيه دونوسو اصدار 1985

كتب الادب الفرنسى - 📖 كتاب ❞ Sueños de mala muerte ❝ ــ خوسيه دونوسو 📖

█ _ خوسيه دونوسو 1985 حصريا كتاب ❞ Sueños de mala muerte ❝ 2025 muerte: From Wikipedia: José Manuel Donoso Yáñez (5 October 1924 – 7 December 1996), known as Donoso, was a Chilean writer, journalist and professor He lived most of his life in Chile, although he spent many years self imposed exile Mexico, the United States Spain Although had left country sixties for personal reasons, after 1973 said also form protest against dictatorship Augusto Pinochet returned to Chile 1981 there until death Donoso is author number short stories novels, which contributed greatly Latin American literary boom His best works include novels Coronación (Coronation), El lugar sin límites (Hell Has No Limits) obsceno pájaro la noche (The Obscene Bird Night) deal with themes, including sexuality, duplicity identity, psychology, sense dark humor كتب الادب الفرنسى مجاناً PDF اونلاين المحتوي هذا القسم يشمل الاقسام الفرعية التي تحتوي علي الفرنسي الأدب هو من أثرى آداب الأمم سواء الشعر أو المسرح الرواية وهو أيضا أكثر الآداب تأثيرًا فالحركات الأدبية والفكرية الفرنسية تعد روايات أفضل الروايات مستوي العالم , Contenu Cette section comprend des sous sections contenant Littérature française que ce soit dans poésie ou le théâtre roman, il est aussi lun ouvrages les plus influents, Les romans littérature meilleurs sur niveau mondial

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Sueños de mala muerte

Sueños de mala muerte

ــ خوسيه دونوسو

صدر 1985م
Sueños de mala muerte

Sueños de mala muerte

ــ خوسيه دونوسو

صدر 1985م
خوسيه دونوسو ✍️ المؤلف
المتجر أماكن الشراء
مناقشات ومراجعات
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عن كتاب Sueños de mala muerte:
From Wikipedia: José Manuel Donoso Yáñez (5 October 1924 – 7 December 1996), known as José Donoso, was a Chilean writer, journalist and professor. He lived most of his life in Chile, although he spent many years in self-imposed exile in Mexico, the United States and Spain. Although he had left his country in the sixties for personal reasons, after 1973 he said his exile was also a form of protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. He returned to Chile in 1981 and lived there until his death.

Donoso is the author of a number of short stories and novels, which contributed greatly to the Latin American literary boom. His best known works include the novels Coronación (Coronation), El lugar sin límites (Hell Has No Limits) and El obsceno pájaro de la noche (The Obscene Bird of Night). His works deal with a number of themes, including sexuality, the duplicity of identity, psychology, and a sense of dark humor.


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