█ _ مجموعة من المؤلفين 2020 حصريا كتاب ❞ Intercultural Relations between East And West 11th 21th C ❝ عن جامعة سجد 2025 C: This conference proceeding is the published record of two conferences1 hosted by Supreme Council Culture (26th November 2019) and Egyptian Association Historical Studies (27th The events were organized within our international project entitled Influence West: to 20th Centuries, funded Academy Scientific Rese arch & Technology Arab Republic Egypt Italian National In conferences, internationally recognized distinguished researchers (from Germany, Italy, Hungary Egypt)2 have participated Project summary: influences witnessed during Medieval, Modern Contemporary times centuries till 21st apex relations through Crusades, commercial relations, political treaties as well in cultural sphere Such resulted mutual that manifested almost all aspects daily life Through narrative documentary sources – Western Muslim we propose analyse nature, quantity quality peaceful Westerners Muslims, Mediterranean centuries, since contact with Muslims often posed problems communication understanding, especially for diversity religious codes Problems exacerbated possibility suspicions accusations maurofilia Christians too close Secondly, lack systematic data created image a seemingly difficult integration increased some doubts about acculturation living lands or voluntarily them Nevertheless, many more than think lived Islamic chosen ambassadors Christian authorities, foster greater involvement predisposition demands show clearly familiarity this kind authorities Following results research congressional seminar activities first years, it was decided: 1) extend examined chronological span Age, allowing scholars expand their investigations over longue durée period 2) new lines be joined those already started 2016 2017, which will lead further deepening theme world one Italy thanks strong dynastic, political, economic lato sensu ties united Mediterranean’s northern southern shores, special attention, course, We continue attempts methods co existence at different levels It merchant environment present from century numerous funduqs Mediterranean, most suitable contacts Europeans Jewish cultures Numerous European testify merchants versed reality they lived, not only information could spread West, but also concerning traditions culture places residence Trade lasted until past fifteenth point out watermark differences "States" several countries communities internally housed great changes occurred these both on side analysis institutional “States” counterparts, particular attention devoted emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen’s personality (1194 1250), his relationships and, especially, contemporaries Ayyubid sultans own interpretation crusade concept widening taken into account insertion Units allow devote themselves line Ottoman Empire 16th 19th including diplomatic, Italo influence various material immaterial regard, given impact community Alexandria formation city"s heritage Equal interest dedicated widespread presence cities museums collections antiquities reminds us "discovery" nineteenth twentieth attests Courts ancient states: court Savoy, Medici’s Florence, then De Lorraine one, Roman court, Habsburg Milan early Unitarian State consolidated adopting nationalisation policies antique artistic context creation nation"s It interesting ISEM CNR deepen moments imaginary: acquisition phase individual finds modern age subsequently, musealisation inclusion national museum network specifically Finally, second aim project, no less important research, aspire reflection exchanges academic environments outside them, dissemination schools civil society purposes: relativise deny stereotypes still prevalent Muslim relations; identify historical coexistence examples good practice think, light tends growing conflict relationship concealing positive acceptance تاريخ الحضارات القديم حوض البحر المتوسط وفي دول اسيا مجاناً PDF اونلاين كان الأبيض هو الطريق الرئيسي السريع للنقل والتجارة والتبادل الثقافي بين شعوب متنوعة تشمل ثلاث قارات: غرب آسيا وشمال أفريقيا وجنوب أوروبا إن الثقافات وشعوب مهم لفهم أصل وتطور حضارات بلاد ما النهرين ومصر القديمة والكنعانيون والفينيقية والعبرانية والقرطاجية واليوناني والأخمينية والتراقيون والإتروسكانية والإيبيرية والروماني والبيزنطي والبلغارية والعربية والعثماني والمسيحي والإسلامي