📘 ❞ Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health ❝ كتاب ــ Department of Biomedical Science University of Sheffield UK اصدار 2002

Biology Books - 📖 كتاب ❞ Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health ❝ ــ Department of Biomedical Science University of Sheffield UK 📖

█ _ Department of Biomedical Science University Sheffield UK 2002 حصريا كتاب ❞ Gerald Wiseman Nutrition and Health ❝ 2024 Health: نبذه عن الكتاب: All the energy needed for growth repair body, muscular activity of all kinds all work done by cells comes from metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, protein alcohol The numerous other items diet, even though essential reasons, do not provide energy, although many are directly involved in chemical reactions which yield If diet is adequate and properly balanced normally chiefly carbohydrate fat, while most used cell When there not enough then available for purposes As dietary generally less abundant than carbohydrate and usually more expensive, using comparatively wasteful In some communities, however, may be plentiful it may eaten sufficient quantity to both building for energy The intake food governed health appetite under ordinary conditions controls weight body with remarkable precision Many people taking only moderate care able keep their or unchanged over several decades they take excess a small amount, that excess can disposed as heat thereby prevent fat accumulation This seems very efficiently people It is, easy override natural controlling mechanism consume substantially energy than required this happens stored During ageing fall bones, due loss minerals, plus muscles, hence if total remains constant must compensatory changes, mainly an increase Biology Books مجاناً PDF اونلاين Biologically Biology science that concerned study life, its various forms function, how these organisms interact each surrounding environment word biology Greek made up two words: bio (βίος) meaning life And loggia ( λογία) means Biology: similarity vegetation animal cover on edges African American states, existence same fossil Branches biology Biology ancient thousands years old modern began nineteenth century This has multiple branches Among them are: Anatomy Botany Biochemia Biogeography Biofisia Cytology science Ecology environmental science Development Embryology embryology Genetics genetics Histology histology Anthropology anthropology Microbiology bacteriology Molecular Biology Physiology functions organs Taxonemia taxonomy Virology virology Zoology zoology

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health

Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health

ــ Department of Biomedical Science University of Sheffield UK

صدر 2002م
Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health

Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health

ــ Department of Biomedical Science University of Sheffield UK

صدر 2002م
عن كتاب Gerald Wiseman-Nutrition and Health:
نبذه عن الكتاب:

All the energy needed for growth and repair of the body, for muscular activity of
all kinds and for all the work done by cells comes from the metabolism of
carbohydrate, fat, protein and alcohol. The numerous other items of the diet, even
though essential for other reasons, do not provide energy, although many are directly
involved in the chemical reactions which yield energy. If the diet is adequate and
properly balanced the energy normally comes chiefly from carbohydrate and fat,
while most of the protein is used for cell growth and repair. When there is not
enough carbohydrate and fat, the protein is used for energy and is then not available
for other purposes. As dietary protein is generally less abundant than carbohydrate
and fat, and usually more expensive, using protein for energy is comparatively
wasteful. In some communities, however, there may be plentiful protein and it
may then be eaten in sufficient quantity to be used for both cell building and for
The intake of food is governed in health by the appetite which under ordinary
conditions controls the weight of the body with remarkable precision. Many people
taking only moderate care are able to keep their weight more or less unchanged
over several decades. If they take food in excess by only a small amount, that
excess energy can be disposed of as heat and thereby prevent fat accumulation.
This seems to work very efficiently in some people. It is, however, easy to override the natural controlling mechanism and consume substantially more energy
than is required. When this happens the excess energy is stored in the body as fat.
During ageing there is a fall in the weight of the bones, due to loss of minerals,
plus a fall in the weight of the muscles, hence if the total body weight remains
constant there must be compensatory changes, mainly an increase in the body fat.


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