█ _ Kazuo Ishiguro 1989 حصريا رواية ❞ The Remains of the Day ❝ عن New York : Alfred A Knopf 2025 Day : Day TONIGHT, I find myself here in a guest house city Salisbury The first day my trip is now completed, and all all, must say am quite satisfied This expedition began this morning almost an hour later than had planned, despite having completed packing loaded Ford with all necessary items well before eight o'clock What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for week, suppose was very conscious fact that once departed, Darlington Hall would stand empty probably the first time century perhaps first since it built It was odd feeling accounts why delayed departure so long, wandering around many times over, checking one last time that order It hard to explain feelings did finally set off For twenty minutes or so motoring, cannot seized by any excitement or anticipation at due, no doubt, fact that though motored further further from house, continued in surroundings which had least passing acquaintance Now had always supposed travelled little, restricted as my responsibilities but course, over time, does make various excursions professional reason another, seem have become much more acquainted those neighbouring districts had realized say, motored on sunshine towards Berkshire border, be surprised familiarity country around me Stories novels مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي العديد من القصص والروايات باللغة الإنجليزية This section contains stories English (Stories novels) والروايات: الرواية هي سرد نثري طويل يصف شخصيات خيالية أو واقعية وأحداثاً شكل قصة متسلسلة كما أنها أكبر الأجناس القصصية حيث الحجم وتعدد الشخصيات وتنوع الأحداث وقد ظهرت أوروبا بوصفها جنساً أدبياً مؤثراً القرن الثامن عشر والرواية حكاية تعتمد السرد بما فيه وصف وحوار وصراع بين وما ينطوي عليه ذلك تأزم وجدل وتغذيه A novel relatively long work narrative fiction, normally written prose form, typically published book present English word fiction derives Italian novella "new", "news", "short story something new", itself Latin novella, singular noun use neuter plural novellus, diminutive novus, meaning "new" Walter Scott made distinction between novel, (as he saw it) "events are accommodated ordinary train human events modern state society" romance, defined "a fictitious verse; interest turns upon marvellous uncommon incidents"