اقتباس 2 من كتاب The Cricket in Times Square 💬 أقوال George Selden 📖 رواية The Cricket in Times Square

- 📖 من ❞ رواية The Cricket in Times Square ❝ George Selden 📖

█ كتاب The Cricket in Times Square مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 Square One day Country Mouse invited an old friend from the city to visit her welcomed City with a delicious meal of fresh barley and corn City was very quiet, so Country Mouse asked whether anything wrong “I just missing city,” she replied wistfully “You must come one Th ere are lots good things eat ” Country thought this good idea, few weeks later traveled City friend for dinner at her favorite restaurant followed City Mouse as tiptoed quietly into cupboard and listened “So, what are we doing?” “Shhh We’re doing bit eavesdropping,” City whispered “When cook leaves for the night, can help ourselves that lovely bag of sugar over there ” retold by Jeff Banner

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George Selden

مساهمة من: عبدالعزيز
منذ 3 سنوات