اقتباس 3 من كتاب A Tale of Two Cities 💬 أقوال تشارلز ديكنز 📖 قصة A Tale of Two Cities

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█ كتاب A Tale of Two Cities مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 Introduction general : This novel is considered one the best novels for reader, and he will enjoy it dive into depths its interesting events Introduction about Cities: A Cities It was times, worst age of wisdom, foolishness, epoch belief, was the incredulity, season Light, of Darkness, spring hope, winter despair, we had everything before us, had nothing were all going direct to Heaven, direct other way—in short, period was so far like present period, that some noisiest authorities insisted on being received, good or evil, in superlative degree comparison only There a king with large jaw queen plain face, on the throne England; there queen with fair France In both countries clearer than crystal to lords State preserves loaves fishes, that things settled ever

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تشارلز ديكنز

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