اقتباس 2 من كتاب Little House In the Big Woods 💬 أقوال Laura Ingalls Wilder 📖 قصة Little House In the Big Woods

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█ كتاب Little House In the Big Woods مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 Woods Introduction general : This novel is considered one of best novels for reader, and he will enjoy it dive into depths its interesting events Little house in big woods Little a true story Laura Ingalls Wilder her family really experienced all the events recounted book Laura live state of Wisconsin Life Ingalls’ sturdy log cabin is simple often hard There are always plenty chores to do, such as threshing, butchering, maple sugarmaking, butter churning, baking, cleaning, much more But there rewarding pleasures too Pa’s fiddlin’ and telling, Ma’s good food, community dances, and trips to town memorable joys Simply but vividly written, this account Laura’s frontier childhood captures everyday challenges and joys pioneer living Library Journal calls House in “the most popular books ever written young boys girls

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Laura Ingalls Wilder

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