اقتباس 4 من كتاب Little Town on the Prairie 💬 أقوال Laura Ingalls Wilder 📖 رواية Little Town on the Prairie

- 📖 من ❞ رواية Little Town on the Prairie ❝ Laura Ingalls Wilder 📖

█ كتاب Little Town on the Prairie مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 Prairie One evening at supper, Pa asked, "How would you like to work in town, Laura?" Laura could not say a word Neither could any of the others They all sat as if they were frozen Grace's blue eyes stared over rim her tin cup, Carrie's teeth stayed bitten into slice bread, and Mary's hand held fork stopped air Ma let tea go pouring from teapot's spout Pa's brimming cup Just in time, she quickly set down teapot "What did you say, Charles?" asked "I Laura how she'd take job in town," replied "A job? For girl? In town?" said "Why, what kind job—" Then said, "No, Charles, I won't have working out hotel among all kinds strangers " "Who such thing?" demanded "No girl of ours'll do that, while I'm alive kicking " "Of course not," apologized "You took me so by surprise What other kind can there be? and old enough teach school yet "

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Laura Ingalls Wilder

منذ 2 سنوات ، مساهمة من: عبدالعزيز
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