📘 ❞ A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH ❝ كتاب ــ Husayn HShihatah Abd as Sattar Abu Ghuddah اصدار 1998

كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية - 📖 كتاب ❞ A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH ❝ ــ Husayn HShihatah Abd as Sattar Abu Ghuddah 📖

█ _ Husayn HShihatah Abd as Sattar Abu Ghuddah 1998 حصريا كتاب ❞ A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH ❝ 2024 ZAKAH: Book author : H Shihatah & asSattar ZakatAccoun +ng Prepared by Dr Hussain Shehatah Professor of Faculty Commerce, Al Azhar University Consultant Zakat Funds ‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬ • IntheNameofAllah, • TheMostMerciful,TheMost Compassionate ZakatinTheHolyQuran ‫قال تبارك تعالي‬ ‫” أقيموا الصلاة أتوا الزكاة اركعوا مع‬ “ ‫الراكعين‬ ) 43 ‫ الآية‬: ‫( سورة البقرة‬ Allahsays:“andbesteadfastinprayer,prac;ce regularZakatandBowdown Yourheadswiththosewhodown… (Al Baqara 43) ‫‪ZakatinTHeSunnah‬‬ رسول صلي عليه وسلم ‪:‬‬ بني الإسلام علي خمس ‪ ,‬شهادة أن لا إله إلا‬ ‫الله ,‬وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله ,‬وإقام‬ ‫الصلاة ,‬و إيتاء ,‬وحج البيت ,‬و‬ ‫صوم رمضان ”‬ رواه البخاري ومسلم )‬ ZakatinSunnah cont TheMessengerofAllah”(peacebeuponHim)said:“ Islamhasbeenbuiltonfivepillars,Tes;fyingthat thereisnoGodbutAllahandMohammedisthe messengerofAllah,performingtheprayers,paying theZakat,making,thepilgrimagetothehouseof Allah,andfas;ngRamadan“ (BuhkaryandMuslim) ;ngTopics (ContentsoftheBook) ThisBookdealswithFiqhandAccoun;ngof Zakat(Alms)accordingtoIslamic Jurisprudence Itconsistsofthefollowing Topics: ZakatRules (Fiqh) ZakatAccoun;ngRules(Principles) ZakatAccoun;ngStatements ZakatDuers ChapterOne (ZakatFiqh) ZakatMeaning Zakatmeans ,inLanguage,: Blessing,Purity,Growthand Uprightness ItmeansinShariah:adefined alloca;ngamountfromadefined moneyforanassignedpeople ZakatandSadaqa ZakatmaycalledSadaqa ,Allahsays:”of theirproper;es(money)takeSadaqa,that mayPurifyandsanc;fythemandprayon therebehalf…… ” ‫“خذ من أموالهم صدقة تطهرهم تزكيهم بها وصل‬ ‫عليهم‬ * TheWordSadaqahinthisverse referstoZakat Butitsome;mesrefersto Charity كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية مجاناً PDF اونلاين Islamic holy books are the texts which Muslims believe were authored God via various prophets throughout humanity's history All these books, in Muslim belief, promulgated code and laws that ordained for those people

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A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH

A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH

ــ Husayn HShihatah Abd as Sattar Abu Ghuddah

صدر 1998م
A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH

A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH

ــ Husayn HShihatah Abd as Sattar Abu Ghuddah

صدر 1998م
عن كتاب A Guide to Accounting ZAKAH:
Book author : Husayn H.Shihatah & Abd asSattar Abu Ghuddah

ZakatAccoun +ng Prepared by Dr. Hussain Hussain Shehatah Professor of Accounting Faculty of Commerce, Al-Azhar University Consultant to Al-Zakat Funds

‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬ • IntheNameofAllah, • TheMostMerciful,TheMost Compassionate

ZakatinTheHolyQuran : ‫قال الله تبارك و تعالي‬ ‫” و أقيموا الصلاة و أتوا الزكاة و اركعوا مع‬ “... ‫الراكعين‬ ) 43 ‫ الآية‬: ‫( سورة البقرة‬ Allahsays:“andbesteadfastinprayer,prac;ce regularZakatandBowdown Yourheadswiththosewhodown….. (Al-Baqara-43)

‫‪ZakatinTHeSunnah‬‬ ‫قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم ‪:‬‬ ‫” بني الإسلام علي خمس ‪ ,‬شهادة أن لا إله إلا‬ ‫الله ‪ ,‬وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله ‪ ,‬وإقام‬ ‫الصلاة ‪ ,‬و إيتاء الزكاة ‪ ,‬وحج البيت ‪ ,‬و‬ ‫صوم رمضان ”‬ ‫( رواه البخاري ومسلم )

ZakatinSunnah-cont . TheMessengerofAllah”(peacebeuponHim)said:“ Islamhasbeenbuiltonfivepillars,Tes;fyingthat thereisnoGodbutAllahandMohammedisthe messengerofAllah,performingtheprayers,paying theZakat,making,thepilgrimagetothehouseof Allah,andfas;ngRamadan“ (BuhkaryandMuslim)

ZakatAccoun ;ngTopics (ContentsoftheBook) ThisBookdealswithFiqhandAccoun;ngof Zakat(Alms)accordingtoIslamic Jurisprudence.Itconsistsofthefollowing Topics: -ZakatRules.(Fiqh). -ZakatAccoun;ngRules(Principles). -ZakatAccoun;ngStatements. -ZakatDuers.

ChapterOne ZakatRules (ZakatFiqh)

ZakatMeaning Zakatmeans ,inLanguage,: Blessing,Purity,Growthand Uprightness. ItmeansinShariah:adefined alloca;ngamountfromadefined moneyforanassignedpeople.

ZakatandSadaqa ZakatmaycalledSadaqa ,Allahsays:”of theirproper;es(money)takeSadaqa,that mayPurifyandsanc;fythemandprayon therebehalf……..” ‫“خذ من أموالهم صدقة تطهرهم و تزكيهم بها وصل‬ ‫عليهم‬ *-TheWordSadaqahinthisverse referstoZakat.Butitsome;mesrefersto Charity.


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