█ _ أسامة محمد المرضي سليمان 2018 حصريا كتاب ❞ Development of Quality Control System for Cement Manufacturing using Software Techniques ❝ 2025 Techniques: ISSN 2456 8066 International Journal Advanced Engineering and Management Vol 3, No 4, pp 127 133, 2018 Murtada Elshiekh, Khalid Eltayeb Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman, “Development System for Techniques,” International and Management, Vol 2018 Development Cement Manufacturing Techniques Murtada Elshiekh1*, Eltayeb2 Suleiman3 1,2Department Engineering, Faculty Technology Nile Valley University – Atbara Sudan 3Department Mechanical Sudan Corresponding author E mail: murtada93 elshiekh@gmail com Abstract—The cement material is considered to be great importance in different aspects building development projects as a commodity export investment Accordingly, the product should compatible with the standard specifications within manufacturing stages to ensure acceptable quality This research paper focuses on creating system that monitors records daily readings of physical tests at laboratories cement factory accordingly control charts each test were established The importance the variables lies expression status (inside or outside limits); normally points which are located borders indicate is out But some cases, are the control limits but took an abnormal distribution First, the system determines style pattern type, analyzes and then finds out expected causes suggests the solutions was tested by inserting different records intervals time; results obtained were reasonable had explained effectiveness Keywords—Quality control; charts; patterns; cement laboratory I INTRODUCTION Recently, River State witnessed great leap in cement industry due fact all production elements were available; raw materials (lime stone), which available in most areas extending from Abu Hammad[1] Moreover, availability transport means (paved roads and railway tracks) linking sites national markets and ports export, addition power sources skilled labors [2] Based on above mentioned reasons, policy supply demand overshadows the local regional market, making these companies big challenge obtain trust customer satisfaction[3] Due increasing competition products, consumers have become more critical choosing products[4] of products has become important Statistical process control (SPC) usually used improve reduce rework scrap so quality expectation can attained II PROBLEM STATEMENT All industries institutions keen optimize the profit, friendly environment[5] will help these keep its position the market, such process maintained developing and promoting systems well applying the total principles[6][7] Control popular widely in industry detect behavior[8] most typical form consists central line two control representing product and variant range limits[9] provides useful method for monitoring variations manufacturing process[10] However, do not provide pattern related information because they focus only the latest plotted data There five factories State; these factories highly recommending improving their quality control (mainly physics lab) the present international market is applied through documenting of different trails, analysis decision III THE OBJECTIVES The purpose this develop control system software technique, which aiming achieve following objectives: To record various draw variables (average, X), (range, R) any period time required find patterns, then analyze identify corrective action To Display obtain respective reports IV METHODOLOGY General about system, includes machines, stages, sequence operations etc, were gathered Historical previous test were collected, poor were analyzed Computer program created Visual Basic language will evaluate indicate the subgroup كتب الهندسة مجاناً PDF اونلاين تُعرّف بأنّها إحدى المهن المتخصصة لتصميم وبناء وتشغيل الهياكل والآلات والأجهزة الأخرى من الصناعة والحياة اليومية كما وتُعدّ منهجاً متعدد التخصصات يشمل تعليم التكنولوجيا والعلوم والرياضيات والهندسة بالإضافة إلى أنّ المهندسين هم الذين يقومون بدورٍ أساسي إتاحة الاستخدامات العملية للاكتشافات العلمية والابتكارات التي تعزز الإنسان Engineering defined one specialized professions design, build, operate structures, machines, other devices everyday life also multidisciplinary curriculum includes technology education, science, mathematics, engineering, engineers primary players providing practical uses For scientific discoveries, innovations strengthen man