📘 ❞ Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases ❝ كتاب اصدار 2008

كتب طب الأسنان - 📖 كتاب ❞ Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases ❝ 📖

█ _ 2008 حصريا كتاب ❞ Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases ❝ 2025 Diseases: of Dental Diseases Priya Verma Gupta Preface Two decades back dental surgery was a growing branch but now it has grown up well Previously surgeons used to prefer extraction tooth but they are being paid save the In order achieve should be able assess, diagnose disease and treat accordingly To differentiate two similar diseases one should know pros cons specific which will help students clinicians I would like thank my mentors Drs (Profs) N Sridhar Shetty Amita Hegde for knowledge given me by them There is always some scope improve upon for that healthier suggestions welcome am thankful Shri Jitendar P Vij, Chairman and Managing Director, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, for giving me opportunity write this book Priya Gupta ontents SECTION 1: DENTAL DISEASES 1 Morphology Primary Dentition 3 2 Developmental Disturbances Teeth 43 3 Pain 59 4 Pulp 79 5 Caries 118 6 Stains Discolorations 161 7 Gingival Enlargement its Management 180 8 Halitosis 201 9 Oral Ulcers 216 10 Radiolucencies Jaw 227 11 246 12 Salivary Glands 251 13 Disorders Taste 268 14 Tongue 271 15 Paranasal Sinuses 282 16 Endocrine affecting Cavity 289 17 White Red Lesions 300 18 Benign Neoplasm 316 19 Malignant Epithelial Tissue 322 20 Sequel Radiation on Tissues 343 21 Chronic Orofacial Nerve 346 22 Fever 349 23 Cheilitis 357 24 Vitamins 360 25 Manifestations Bleeding 375 x Diseases 26 Implications Medication 383 27 Changes in Old Age 386 28 Syndromes 395 SECTION 2: CAUSES OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS • Anatomic Periapical 405 • Radiopacities Mandible Maxilla 406 • Bad Bilateral Parotid Submandibular Swelling 407 • Tumors The Jaw—Benign Soft 408 • Gums 409 • 410 • Brown Lips 412 • Burning Sensations Calculus Formation 413 • Xerostomia 414 • Growth Cutaneous Fistulas 415 • Cysts Delayed Tooth Eruption 416 • affecting Skull, 417 • Diffuse Facial 418 • Maxillary Sinus 419 • Disorder during of Hard 420 • Drugs causing Lymphadenopathy 421 Contents xi • Dry Mouth 421 • Yellow Conditions Mucosa 422 • Elevated Lip 423 • Exophytic Structures Gland 424 • Palsy 425 • Projected False 426 • Nonhemorrhagic Tissue Growth 427 • Flushing Face 428 • General Brownish, Bluish or Black Condition 429 • Generalized Rarefaction Bones and Multiple Ulceration 430 • Gray Pigmentation 431 • Headache Origin due Infections 432 • Intraoral Persistent Pits 433 • Labial Buccal Vestibular 434 • 435 • Cystic 436 • Giant Cell 437 • Keratotic around Crown Impacted 438 • Midline 439 • Skin Abstract Pain orofacial region common presenting symptom majority symptoms related cause can readily be established, problem dealt with, pain eliminated However, may persist defy attempts at treatment Intractable oral facial diagnostically challenging To make definitive diagnosis initiate proper treatment, rigorous protocol evaluation includes thorough history an appropriate comprehensive clinical examination diagnostic testing, including chief complaint, present illness, medical history, physical examination, studies, imaging, psychosocial كتب طب الأسنان مجاناً PDF اونلاين هو فرع من فروع الطب يختص بدراسة وتشخيص ومعالجة أمراض الفم والوجه والفكين والأسنان والأنسجة المحيطة بها والوقاية منها ويتفرع إلى العديد الاختصاصات يعتبر فنا وعلما أطباء أو جراحو هم المختصون تشخيص ووقاية وعلاج تجويف يساعد طبيب فريق داعم يوفر خدمات مثل استخدام التصوير الشعاعي وغيرها التقنيات لضمان صحيح وتخطيط للعلاج قد يشمل العلاج ملء تجاويف وإزالة أعصاب أثناء علاج الجذور اللثة قلع إذا استلزم الأمر واستبدال المفقودة بأطقم كثيرا ما يستخدم التخدير قبل الذي يسبب الألم يمكن بالذهب الفضة الخزف مزيج تدخل الأنسجة الرخوة للفم ضمن مجال أكثرها شيوعا

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Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases

Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases

صدر 2008م
Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases

Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases

صدر 2008م
المتجر أماكن الشراء
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عن كتاب Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases:
Differential Diagnosis of
Dental Diseases

Priya Verma Gupta

Two decades back dental surgery was a growing branch
but now it has grown up well. Previously dental surgeons
used to prefer extraction of tooth but now they are being
paid to save the tooth. In order to achieve they should be
able to assess, diagnose the disease and treat accordingly.
To differentiate two similar dental diseases one should
know the pros and cons of the specific disease which will
help the students and clinicians.
I would like to thank my mentors Drs (Profs) N Sridhar
Shetty and Amita Hegde for the knowledge given to me
by them.
There is always some scope to improve upon and for
that healthier suggestions are always welcome.
I am thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij, Chairman and
Managing Director, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers,
for giving me the opportunity to write this book.
Priya Verma Gupta

1. Morphology of Primary Dentition .......................... 3
2. Developmental Disturbances of Teeth ................. 43
3. Pain ............................................................................ 59
4. Pulp ............................................................................ 79
5. Dental Caries .......................................................... 118
6. Dental Stains and Discolorations ........................ 161
7. Gingival Enlargement and its Management ...... 180
8. Halitosis ................................................................... 201
9. Oral Ulcers .............................................................. 216
10. Radiolucencies of Jaw ........................................... 227
11. Diseases of Jaw ....................................................... 246
12. Diseases of Salivary Glands ................................. 251
13. Disorders of Taste .................................................. 268
14. Diseases of Tongue ................................................ 271
15. Diseases of Paranasal Sinuses .............................. 282
16. Endocrine Disorders affecting Oral Cavity ........ 289
17. White and Red Lesions ......................................... 300
18. Benign Neoplasm of Oral Cavity ........................ 316
19. Malignant Neoplasm of Epithelial Tissue .......... 322
20. Sequel of Radiation on Oral Tissues ................... 343
21. Chronic Orofacial Nerve Pain .............................. 346
22. Fever ........................................................................ 349
23. Cheilitis .................................................................... 357
24. Vitamins and Oral Lesions ................................... 360
25. Oral Manifestations of Bleeding Disorders ........ 375
x Differential Diagnosis of Dental Diseases
26. Oral Implications of Medication .......................... 383
27. Oral Changes in Old Age ..................................... 386
28. Syndromes of Oral Cavity .................................... 395
• Anatomic Periapical Radiolucencies ......................... 405
• Anatomic Radiopacities of Mandible ....................... 405
• Anatomic Radiopacities of Maxilla ........................... 406
• Bad Taste ....................................................................... 406
• Bilateral Parotid and Submandibular Swelling ....... 407
• Tumors of The Jaw—Benign ...................................... 407
• Benign Tumors of Oral Soft Tissues .......................... 408
• Bleeding Gums ............................................................. 409
• Halitosis ......................................................................... 410
• Brown Lesions on Lips ................................................ 412
• Burning Sensations in Tongue ................................... 412
• Calculus Formation ..................................................... 413
• Xerostomia .................................................................... 414
• Soft Tissue Growth of Oral Cavity ............................ 414
• Cutaneous Fistulas and Sinuses ................................ 415
• Cysts of Soft Tissues. ................................................... 415
• Delayed Tooth Eruption ............................................. 416
• Developmental Disturbances affecting
Skull, Jaw....................................................................... 417
• Developmental Disturbances affecting Teeth ......... 417
• Diffuse Facial Swelling................................................ 418
• Diseases of Maxillary Sinus ........................................ 419
• Taste Disorder .............................................................. 419
• Disturbances during Formation of
Hard Dental Tissue ...................................................... 420
• Drugs causing Lymphadenopathy............................ 421
Contents xi
• Dry Mouth .................................................................... 421
• Yellow Conditions of Oral Mucosa ........................... 422
• Elevated Lesions on Lip .............................................. 423
• Exophytic Anatomic Structures ................................. 423
• Salivary Gland Pain ..................................................... 424
• Facial Nerve Palsy ....................................................... 425
• Projected Radiopacities of Tooth ............................... 425
• False Periapical Radiopacities .................................... 426
• Nonhemorrhagic Soft Tissue
Growth of Oral Cavity ................................................ 427
• Flushing of Face ........................................................... 428
• General Brownish, Bluish or Black Condition ......... 429
• Generalized Radiopacities .......................................... 429
• Generalized Rarefaction of Jaw Bones ...................... 429
• Generalized Red Conditions and
Multiple Ulceration ..................................................... 430
• Gray/Black Oral Pigmentation.................................. 431
• Headache of Dental Origin......................................... 431
• Headache due to Infections ........................................ 432
• Intraoral Bleeding ........................................................ 432
• Persistent Oral Ulcers .................................................. 432
• Pits of Oral Cavity ........................................................ 433
• Intraoral Brownish, Bluish or Black Conditions...... 433
• Labial/Buccal Mucosa and Vestibular Lesions ....... 434
• Intraoral Sinuses and Fistulas .................................... 435
• Intraoral Soft Tissue Swelling .................................... 435
• Cystic Lesions of Jaw ................................................... 436
• Giant Cell Lesions of Jaw ............................................ 437
• Keratotic White Lesions .............................................. 437
• Lesions around Crown of Impacted Tooth .............. 438
• Midline Lesions of Maxilla ......................................... 439
• Lesions of Facial Skin ..................................................

Pain in the orofacial region is a common presenting symptom. The majority of symptoms are related to dental disease and the cause can readily be established, the problem dealt with, and the pain eliminated. However, pain may persist and defy attempts at treatment. Intractable oral or facial pain can be diagnostically challenging. To make a definitive diagnosis and initiate proper treatment, a rigorous protocol for evaluation includes a thorough history and an appropriate comprehensive clinical examination and diagnostic testing, including chief complaint, history of present illness, medical history, physical examination, diagnostic studies, including imaging, and psychosocial evaluation.


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