📘 ❞ Programming Environments for Novices ❝ كتاب اصدار 2003

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█ _ 2003 حصريا كتاب Programming Environments for Novices 2024 Novices: Novices Mark Guzdial College of Computing, Georgia Institute Technology guzdial@cc gatech edu May 7, 2003 1 Specializing Novices The task specializing programming environments novices begins with the recog nition that is a hard skill to learn The lack student programming skill even after year undergraduate studies in computer science was noted and measured early 80's [32] and again this decade [20] We know students have problems looping constructs [31], conditionals [8], assembling programs out base components [33] there are probably other factors, interactions between these too What critical pieces? What pieces, if we ¯xed" them (made better for novice programmers), would make into more manageable, able skill? If developed language changed how work or loops, or it easier integrate components, become easier? That's the issue developers educational asking Each environment (or family environments) attempting to answer question, makes hard?" Each that question implies address concern set of solutions discussed chapter attempts use several of these answers Obviously, great many question program ming For each answer, potential that act upon then environments that deal multiple That's not surprising, since it's almost certainly true no one correct applies to all people Not have been built explored, however The ¯eld Computer Science Education Research new, few people doing still stage identifying 1 potential key questions indeed, ¯guring out what questions are! Nonetheless, been built, can be short primer Instead, will focus on three families particularly in°uential development modern environments thinking CS Ed research community ² Logo environments, began as an o® shoot of AI Lisp spawned rich variety novice programming rule based drew from both Logo and Smalltalk 72, but directly, Prolog traditional environ ments, which tried change language, instead provide new centered supports existing languages audience ranges young school children the Logo university students some traditional programming In chapter, di®erences (e g , age, background, motivation) simply glossed over Such huge simpli¯cation is acceptable situation because problem so No matter age of students, Whether attempt learn to at age adults, tasks di±culties remain similar sections below attempting with those challenges whatever 2 its Descendants: Goal Compu tational Literacy Logo mid 1960's by Wally Feuzeig Danny Bobrow BBN Labs, consultation Seymour Papert nearby MIT designed be Lisp without parentheses " popular arti¯cial intelligence known °exibility ease which data could program, vice versa, making very easy programs manip ulate their own especially good creating manipulating representations knowledge (See Figure 1 tree section ) The Logo developers another When ¯rst being developed, didn't know going still a curiosity, activity practiced only few who had access rare machines asked Why should program? كتب لغة السي مجاناً PDF اونلاين وهي برمجة حاسوب متعددة الأغراض أمرية تدعم البرمجة المهيكلة والنطاق المعجمي المتغير والاستدعاء الذاتي بينما يمنع نظام النوع الساكن العديد من العمليات غير المرغوبة ومن خلال تصميم فقد وفرت تركيبات تعيين دقيقة لتعليمات الآلة النموذجية وبالتالي صممت للاستخدام الدائم التطبيقات المبرمجة مسبقا بلغة التجميع كأنظمة التشغيل وكذلك البرامج التطبيقية لأجهزة الحاسوب الحواسيب العملاقة وحتى الأنظمة المدمجة صممها وطوّرها أوائل عقد السبعينيات كن تومسون وبريان كيرنيغان ودينيس ريتشي وقد الأصل لتستعمل التطوير والعمل يونكس ثم لقيت انتشاراً واسعاً منذ ذلك الحين اليوم ويظهر شعبيتها لدى أغلب مبرمجي استعمالاتها العديدة والمتنوعة وتعدّ اللغة الأم للعديد لغات الحديثة مثل بلس والتي تعدّ توسيعًا وإضافة مكملة للسي

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Programming Environments for Novices

Programming Environments for Novices

صدر 2003م
Programming Environments for Novices

Programming Environments for Novices

صدر 2003م
عن كتاب Programming Environments for Novices:
Programming Environments for Novices
Mark Guzdial
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
May 7, 2003
1 Specializing Environments for Novices
The task of specializing programming environments for novices begins with the recog-
nition that programming is a hard skill to learn. The lack of student programming
skill even after a year of undergraduate studies in computer science was noted and
measured in the early 80's [32] and again in this decade [20]. We know that students
have problems with looping constructs [31], conditionals [8], and assembling programs
out of base components [33]|and there are probably other factors, and interactions
between these factors, too.
What are the critical pieces? What pieces, if we ¯xed" them (made them better
for novice programmers), would make programming into a more manageable, learn-
able skill? If we developed a language that changed how conditionals work or loops,
or make it easier to integrate components, would programming become easier? That's
the issue that developers of educational programming environments are asking.
Each novice programming environment (or family of environments) is attempting
to answer the question, What makes programming hard?" Each answer to that
question implies a family of environments that address the concern with a set of
solutions. Each environment discussed in this chapter attempts to use several of
these answers to make programming easier for novices.
Obviously, there are a great many answers to the question What makes program-
ming hard?" For each answer, there are a great many potential environments that
act upon that answer, and then there are a great many other potential environments
that deal with multiple answers to that question. That's not surprising, since it's
almost certainly true that there is no one correct answer to the question that applies
to all people.
Not all of these potential environments have been built and explored, however.
The ¯eld of Computer Science Education Research is too new, and there are too few
people doing work in this ¯eld. We are still in the stage of the ¯eld of identifying
potential answers to key questions|indeed, even ¯guring out what the key questions
Nonetheless, there are many novice programming environments that have been
built, and not all can be discussed in a short primer. Instead, this chapter will focus
on three families that have been particularly in°uential in the development of modern
environments and in the thinking of the CS Ed research community.
² The Logo family of programming environments, that began as an o®-shoot
of the AI-programming language Lisp and spawned a rich variety of novice
programming environments.
² The rule-based family of programming environments, that drew from both Logo
and Smalltalk-72, but even more directly, Prolog.
² The traditional programming language family of novice programming environ-
ments, which tried not to change the language, but instead provide new student-
centered supports for existing programming languages.
The audience for these environments ranges from young school children for the
Logo environments to undergraduate university students for some of the traditional
programming language environments. In this chapter, the issue of student di®erences
(e.g., age, background, motivation) is simply glossed over. Such a huge simpli¯cation
is acceptable in this situation because the problem is so hard. No matter what the age
of the students, programming is hard to learn. Whether students attempt to learn
to program at a young age or at the age of young adults, the tasks and di±culties
remain similar. The environments in the sections below are attempting to deal with
those challenges at whatever the age of the student audience.
2 Logo and its Descendants: The Goal of Compu-
tational Literacy
Logo was developed in the mid-1960's by Wally Feuzeig and Danny Bobrow at BBN
Labs, in consultation with Seymour Papert at nearby MIT. Logo was designed to be
Lisp without parentheses." Lisp was a popular programming language for arti¯cial
intelligence programming. Lisp was known for its °exibility and the ease with which
data could become program, or vice-versa, making it very easy for programs to manip-
ulate their own components. Lisp was especially good for creating and manipulating
representations of knowledge. (See Figure 1 for the family tree of this section.)
The answer to the question of What makes programming hard?" for the Logo
developers was another question. When Logo was ¯rst being developed, people didn't
know that programming was going to be so hard for so many. Programming was still
a curiosity, an activity practiced only by the few who had access to the still-rare
machines. The Logo developers asked instead Why should students program?


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