📘 ❞ Privacy and Media Freedom ❝ كتاب ــ ريموند واكس اصدار 2013

كتب الإعلام والصحافة - 📖 كتاب ❞ Privacy and Media Freedom ❝ ــ ريموند واكس 📖

█ _ ريموند واكس 2013 حصريا كتاب ❞ Privacy and Media Freedom ❝ عن جامعة أكسفورد 2024 Freedom: of expression is a fundamental right at the heart any democratic society It is, however, inevitably restricted by other important values, including to control individuals exercise over their sensitive personal information The English law, since enactment Human Rights Act 1998, has undergone tectonic shift in its recognition this protected Article 8 European Convention on (ECHR) which assimilated into domestic law new civil wrong, 'misuse private information,' now affords greater protection an individual's 'private family life, home correspondence ' The press course, no longer principal purveyor news Internet offers abundant opportunities for dissemination opinions, publication intimate, facts Social media, blogs, online sites are accessible all Indeed, fragility privacy led some conclude that it capable legal This book examines from legal, philosophical, social perspective, tracing genesis United States, through development confidence, recent courts have boldly sought offer refuge increasingly intrusive media Recent years witnessed deluge suits celebrities seeking salvage what remains An extensive body case appeared many common jurisdictions last decade, shows sign abating The Leveson Inquiry culture, practices, ethics press, sparked hacking telephones newspapers, revealed degree intrusion than was previously evident Its conclusions recommendations, particularly regarding regulation examined, as well various remedies available victims unsolicited publicity locked struggle reconcile free speech, face relentless advances technology manner attempted resolve conflict critically investigated, prospects considered كتب الإعلام والصحافة مجاناً PDF اونلاين هو مصطلح يطلق أي وسيلة أو تقنية منظمة مؤسسة تجارية أخرى غير ربحية الدول الديموقراطية تؤول وظيفة إعلام الجمهور وتكوين الرأي العام إلى الصحافة بصفة رئيسية لصحافة هي المهنة التي تقوم جمع وتحليل الأخبار والتحقق من مصداقيتها وتقديمها للجمهور مجموعة الضرورية لطلاب والصحفيين عمومًا وقد حرصنا اختيارها بين مئات المؤلفات

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Privacy and Media Freedom

Privacy and Media Freedom

ــ ريموند واكس

صدر 2013م عن جامعة أكسفورد
Privacy and Media Freedom

Privacy and Media Freedom

ــ ريموند واكس

صدر 2013م عن جامعة أكسفورد
عن كتاب Privacy and Media Freedom:
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right at the heart of any democratic society. It is, however, inevitably restricted by other important values, including the right to the control individuals exercise over their sensitive personal information. The English law, since the enactment of the Human Rights Act 1998, has undergone a tectonic shift in its recognition of this right protected by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) which the Act assimilated into domestic law. The new civil wrong, 'misuse of private information,' now affords greater protection to an individual's 'private and family life, home and correspondence.'

The press is, of course, no longer the principal purveyor of news and information. The Internet offers abundant opportunities for the dissemination of news and opinions, including the publication of intimate, private facts. Social media, blogs, and other online sites are accessible to all. Indeed, the fragility of privacy online has led some to conclude that it is no longer capable of legal protection.

This book examines the right of privacy from a legal, philosophical, and social perspective, tracing its genesis in the United States, through the development of the law of confidence, and its recent recognition by the Human Rights Act. The English courts have boldly sought to offer refuge from an increasingly intrusive media. Recent years have witnessed a deluge of civil suits by celebrities seeking to salvage what remains of their privacy. An extensive body of case law has appeared in many common law jurisdictions over the last decade, which shows no sign of abating.

The Leveson Inquiry into the culture, practices, and ethics of the press, sparked by the hacking of telephones by newspapers, revealed a greater degree of media intrusion than was previously evident. Its conclusions and recommendations, particularly regarding the regulation of the media, are examined, as well as the various remedies available to victims of intrusion and unsolicited publicity.

The law is locked in a struggle to reconcile privacy and free speech, in the face of relentless advances in technology. The manner in which courts in various jurisdictions have attempted to resolve this conflict is critically investigated, and the prospects for the protection of privacy are considered.


1 مشاهدة هذا اليوم


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272 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9780199668656 .
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